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The Wrong Mr. Right (The Queen's Cove Series #2)(114)

Author:Stephanie Archer

She shook her head, standing and walking over. 揑抳e got my coffee, I抳e got a beautiful view, and I was happy to wait to see you two.?She wrapped me in a tight hug and my heart squeezed.

We were home.

Wyatt and I had been on the Gold Coast of Australia for a month. Wyatt had placed well in the Surfers?Paradise festival and had been doing promo shoots for next year抯 ads. When we could, we still went out on the ocean first thing in the morning, wherever we were.

I tried not to think about the sharks.

揇id you sleep on the plane??Elizabeth asked, reaching for one of our bags.

I shook my head. 揥yatt did but I just read my book.?

Wyatt gave her a hug. 揌ey, Mom.?

揌i, honey. Good to have you two home, even if it抯 just for a bit.?

Elizabeth came inside with us and made us tea while we settled in. I smiled at how she made herself comfortable here, taking care of us when she knew we were tired from traveling. Wyatt dropped our bags in our bedroom and returned to the living room, where he settled on the couch and gestured for me to join him. I tucked myself into his side.

揌ow抯 the shop doing??he asked Elizabeth.

Wyatt had sold the surf shop before we left to an Australian who had moved here last year.

The tap ran while she filled the kettle. 揇oing well. He fits right in with everyone.?

Wyatt closed his eyes, sinking into the couch. 揋ood.?

I watched his handsome face for a moment before Elizabeth reentered the room.

She set my tea down on the coffee table. Her eyes sparkled. 揜eady for tomorrow??

I nodded and swallowed. 揅an I tell you something??

揙f course.?

揑t doesn抰 seem like a big deal. Is that厰 I chewed my lip. 揃ad??

She laughed. 揘o, honey. It抯 not bad. It means you抮e already there.?

I glanced at Wyatt again, already asleep, breathing softly, and my heart panged. A couple months ago, I almost blew everything up because I was scared.

I loved this guy so much. More than anything. I was so glad I made the right decision.

Elizabeth and I chatted for a few minutes, catching up on town events and our trip before she stood.

揥ell, I抦 going to get going.?She walked her mug over to the dishwasher. 揑抣l see you bright and early tomorrow.?

揝ee you tomorrow.?

While Wyatt was napping, I dropped into the bookshop to say hello to Liya and Casey.

揧es, that one is very popular.?My dad studied the titles on the shelf, tilting his head to read them before he pulled another down and handed it to the customer. 揟his one has the 憃nly one bed?trope as well.?He noticed me standing at the door and his face lit up. 揌oney, you抮e back.?

揧ou抮e home!?Liya rushed over and wrapped me in a big hug. My dad was next. Casey rang the customer through behind them.

揙nly one bed??I asked my dad, a smile still glued to my face.

He nodded. 揕iya and Casey have been educating me.?He leaned on the front desk and adjusted his glasses. 揟here抯 a lot to learn about the romance world. Veena and I have been reading through the store.?

After sufficient groveling, my dad had convinced Veena to move in with him. I spoke with them both on FaceTime once a week, discussing books, the trips they took around the island, and the veggies they grew in the back yard. The changes they were making to the house.

They were good together, my dad and Veena, and they were happy.

The bell on the door rang and two teenage girls entered the store.

揟his is so cool!?one of them said before heading to the hanging chair.

揇o you have any rom-coms with two girls??the other asked my dad.

揧es, that would be in our queer romance section.?He hustled off and she followed. 揇o you want enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, or grumpy sunshine??His voice traveled through the shelves. 揟his one is popular. Very funny.?

From the blue squashy chair, I watched with a smile as my dad hustled around the store, helping people find stories. The photo of my mom and I that Wyatt had given me for my birthday hung on the wall behind the desk. Pride shone from her eyes as she beamed at me. My heart tugged and I knew somewhere in the universe, she was looking at me with the same expression.

揌annah, I love you, but I need to know something,?Avery called the next morning from my kitchen. I was in the bedroom, changing. Through the windows, the sun began to rise, and golds, pinks, and oranges painted the sky like something in an art gallery. I stared out at the ocean and thought about all the times Wyatt and I floated out there, talking and staring at the sky, falling in love.

揥hat抯 that??I called back, zipping up my dress.

揇o you fucking hate me or something??

I laughed and walked out, down the hall, and into the kitchen. Avery rested her forehead on the bar counter. Working in a restaurant, she got home late and didn抰 handle sunrise wake-ups very well. She wore a maroon dress that cinched at the waist with embroidered flowers on it.