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Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(23)

Author:Tessa Bailey

She shook her head and the streetlight illuminated whatever she抎 used to gloss up her mouth. Definitely not ChapStick this time around. 揘o, my sister is helping her friend get settled.?

Jasper braced a hand on the frame and leaned close to Rita, looking down at her body through the narrow separation between them. 揝top rubbing your thighs together,?he growled.

Those pointed tits started to heave up and down in a hypnotic movement, a mere centimeter from his chest. 揑抦 not. I抦 just not used to wearing skirts.?

揑抦 not used to you wearing skirts, either.?

揧ou抮e not used to me wearing anything.?She squeezed her eyes shut. 揧ou know what I mean by棓

揑 know I抦 thinking about you naked now.?Jasper backed Rita into the room, grimacing inwardly over the war raging between the ticker in his chest and the swelling below his belt. Had someone pressed his default setting button on the way across the parking lot? Or was he just so fucking into this woman he couldn抰 see straight? He didn抰 know. Didn抰 know. So he needed to slow the hell down. But it was difficult as all get out when she was wobbling her way back toward the bed like she wanted to be fucked on it as soon as possible.

She was horny. That was the main problem here. Although, if Jasper used that defense in a court of law, a jury would send him up the river for sure. Because a truly turned-on woman was one of life抯 treasures. Now, a turned-on Rita? She was the ninth wonder of the world. Her gravitational pull dragged him forward until the backs of her legs were against the mattress, until his hands were slipping up the outsides of her lithe thighs. So, yes, this was a problem. Because it went against Jasper抯 nature to allow Rita to remain in such a state. Leaving her in the parking lot after their dry humping session had damn near killed him, but they wouldn抰 make it through the evening if she kept looking at him like that.

揑 was going to put you in my truck, start the engine, and go.?Jasper ducked his head to sip at the hollow of her neck. 揧ou weren抰 supposed to answer the door asking for it, beautiful. I can抰 fuck you before the date even starts.?

Her hands lifted, rummaging through his hair, holding him in place as he licked a path from throat to ear. 揑 would respect that, too, if I thought your reason made sense,?she all but gasped.

揑t does make sense. You抣l see.?Frustration lanced his gut. Every instinct screamed to give Rita what she needed梬hat he needed梑ut his chest felt hollow when he envisioned what would come after. What always came after. 揥here is your suitcase??

Rita抯 head lifted. 揌uh??

Giving her neck one final, open-mouthed kiss, Jasper stooped down and tugged a duffel bag from beneath the bed. Somehow he抎 guessed the location of her luggage correctly, but where would she keep her?

揂re you looking for my棓

揧eah.?His hand closed around something smaller than he抎 expected, but the shape left no question about its identity. 揊ound it, too.?

When Jasper straightened, Rita sputtered, staring down at the object cradled in his palm. 揧ou can抰 just卲resent my vibrator.?

Jasper tested the weight of it. 揑s this even considered a vibrator? In my experience, they抮e shaped like a cock.?

揑t抯 a卆 butterfly卪assager.?

During Rita抯 explanation, he watched in amazement as a flush spread across her cheeks. 揙h, beautiful. You answer your empty-motel-room door in a tiny little skirt and now you抮e blushing at me? If I wasn抰 already planning on masturbating you, that blush would have sealed your fate.?

She split a cautious, but curious, look between him and the vibrator. 揥hy??

Jasper moved until their bodies were flush, yanking Rita up against him so he could suck her lower lip into his mouth. But just as she opened up for his tongue, Jasper nudged her backwards, forcing her down onto the bed. She went up on her elbows, surprise evident in her pretty features. Really? Surprise? It was almost like she抎 never had a man desperate for?

And shit. Turns out, Jasper didn抰 enjoy thinking of Rita with anyone else. In fact, he liked the idea so goddamn little that he flipped Rita onto her stomach with more aggression than he抎 intended. An apology might have been forthcoming梞ight have been梚f she hadn抰 moaned into the comforter. If that red skirt hadn抰 slipped so high during the flip he could see her black, shoestring thong.

揊uck, you hot, little piece.?Jasper抯 vision doubled before meshing back together. He slipped his finger beneath the string, running it up and down, through the wetness of her pussy. Then he pulled the thong back a couple inches and snapped it against her warm flesh, savoring her muffled scream, before lunging on top of her body, pressing her down, down into the mattress. Because of their difference in size, he was careful not to lean his full weight on her smaller frame, just enough so she wouldn抰 be able to escape the pleasure he intended to inflict.

揥hat are you梠h!?

Jasper抯 teeth closing around the lobe of Rita抯 ear cut off her question, set her hips to jerking underneath him. 揧ou buck that ass up into my lap again, I抣l think that means you want me off. And I don抰 think you do.?Without looking, Jasper slid the switch along the vibrator抯 side, getting a feel for the way it shuddered in his palm, groaning as he imagined Rita using it on herself. Not tonight, though. It was his orgasm to give.

Jasper pushed her legs wide with his knees, feeling her ass cheeks spread against his lap, picturing the way that black string stretched, hiding nothing. Christ. His mouth found its way into Rita抯 hair, her name freeing itself on a groan. He eased up the downward pressure of his body long enough to slide the vibrator beneath her hips, pushing lower until it met the juncture of her thighs. Right over her clit. And then Jasper dropped the weight of his hips down, pinning Rita between him and the massager. Pressing, pressing.

揙h my God,?she screamed, clawing at the comforter. 揑 can抰厃ou can抰。 It抯 too much. I don抰 usually厰

揥hat??It actually hurt to speak because he was exerting so much will to keep his hips still, keep himself from thrusting into the valley of her ass. Fuck, he could feel every inch of her through his jeans. The image of that little black shoestring wedged in between two tight cheeks blazed in his mind. 揧ou don抰 usually what??

揇o it that hard. Or that卪uch.?She drew that last word out until it became a whimper of his name. 揓asper.?

揚lay offense,?he demanded in her ear. 揚ush down into it. Fuck yourself up against it. I抣l help you get where you need to go, beautiful. You answered the door begging for something bad from me. So that抯 what I抦 giving you. You and this sweet, neglected pussy. Now fuck your vibrator.?

For a split second, worry broke through Jasper抯 lust craze. Had he gone too far? He抎 all but ambushed her since walking into the room. His needs梙e抎 been capable of holding them off until Rita. Rita, Rita. God, no one had ever felt this good, smelled this good, sounded this good. This right. Living without sex hadn抰 even been difficult until he抎 seen her stranded on the road. Now there seemed to be no way to stem the flow of want. The goddamn pressure of it was so immense he couldn抰 stop putting marks all over the clean slate she抎 given him.

揂ll for you,?he chanted against the back of her neck. 揂ll for you.?

When he felt Rita抯 hips give a prolonged downward roll, they both expelled muffled curses into the dark room, where the only other sound competing with them was the noisy air conditioner. 揋o on, Rita. Move. You have no choice, do you? Not with me holding you down, keeping your clit right up against that buzz.?He slid his knees back, applying a touch more of his weight down onto her ass, and she curled her fists into the comforter with a cry. 揘owhere to go. No way to escape. Not until you rub your pussy on the offering in my hand and come like you抮e told.?He breathed into her ear. 揋o on, beautiful. I won抰 tell anyone.?

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