Home > Books > Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(36)

Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(36)

Author:Tessa Bailey

If he hadn抰 been so focused on Rita抯 reactions, her eyes, he might have missed the battle playing out. Being the shot-caller in bed came naturally to him; it wasn抰 something he had to think about. But with him and Rita on such shaky footing, maybe he should have. Before he could kiss her back onto his side, Rita evaded his mouth, sucking in a gulping breath. She shook her hips, sending the panties gliding down her legs to the floor, before turning around, presenting her upturned backside, and planting both hands on the desk. 揑 want you like this,?she husked over her shoulder.

揇o you.?Those currents traveling through Jasper抯 chest hit a speed bump, lancing him with something akin to pain. Over the last couple days, he抎 imagined fucking Rita a multitude of ways, but she抎 always been facing him. Their mouths had always been fastened together whether he had her up against the wall or tangled up in the sheets of his bed. This was how she planned to slay him, then.

Keeping it梚mpersonal.

Unfortunately, being aware of her plan did nothing to lessen the rigidity of his cock or make him any less out-of-his-mind starved for her. Not when her back was arched just enough to give him perfect access to that sweet, pink pussy, from which the dew still slicked his middle finger. Already he was fisting his distended flesh, preparing to smack it against her backside, just a few times, before sinking in up to his aching balls. Lord, she was squirming for it, too. Wanted it down and dirty梐nd he wanted to satisfy that need. There might have even been a sick part of Jasper that wanted Rita to have a hard time keeping up with his bruising pace, wanted her to wish she抎 opted to make love with him in his bed instead of bending over his desk and taking it while his balls slapped the front drawer.

All these thoughts passed in a matter of seconds, but it was long enough for Rita to turn her head and send him a self-conscious梐lbeit breathless梘lance. 揓asper厰

He yanked open the side drawer of his desk, pushing papers aside until he found a condom, rolling it to the root of his dick in seconds. 揧ou keep on saying my name like that while you spread your legs, beautiful.?He put a palm flat on Rita抯 back, pushing her face down on the desk. 揥elcome to show-and-tell. You抮e going to slide those sexy legs apart and show me where I抣l have the privilege of putting this hungry cock. And I抣l tell you to spread them wider.?

Rita抯 back started to rise and fall in rapid shudders beneath his hand, but she followed his instructions, feet shuffling wider on the wooden floor. Jasper抯 own breathing grew erratic, sweat dampening his forehead. He whipped off his T-shirt, resentful of even the split second when his shirt blocked Rita from his view.

揑抦 going to finger you. Want to make sure you抮e a wet girl for me,?Jasper rasped, acting out his words with a sharp curse. 揇ripping, ain抰 you? And that抯 real good, because the next thing you抣l feel is my fuck. The only thing you ever need to feel.?He smacked his flesh against the underside of her cheeks. 揌ang on to the edge.?

Rita抯 hands scrambled for purchase a second before Jasper pushed his dick inside her hot recess, inch by painstaking inch, guiding his girth with a hand. His uneven bellow was unrecognizable, colliding with Rita抯 muffled scream in the still office. He was forced to rear back and slam forward to stretch her for those final couple inches, lifting Rita抯 feet off the ground with the force of it. 揙h卙oly shit,?she cried out. 揙h my God. Oh my fucking棓

揗y name isn抰 hard to remember, Rita. Use it.?

揓asper. Jasper. Don抰 move卭kay, move. Move.?

As if an apocalypse could convince him to pull out now. She was so tight he could feel the sensation in his throat. Wrong. He抎 been wrong. There was nothing down and dirty about this. The act, his words, might tell one tale, but his head and soul heard another. Jasper fell forward and planted a kiss in the center of Rita抯 spine, trailing his mouth up to her neck for a rough love bite. And then there was nothing but sweaty fucking. He slid his arms beneath Rita抯 shoulders, curling them around her for leverage. To prevent her from moving, escaping his pounding hips. The desk groaned, protesting the animalistic mating taking place on its surface, but Jasper registered the sound with only dim recognition, because there was only Rita and the perfect, pliant, welcome of her body.

揊uck, I would love to see myself pumping into you from behind. Love to see you on tiptoes taking it like the devil intended.?He released one of Rita抯 shoulders in favor of fisting her hair. 揑抦 dripping sweat onto your ass, beautiful. Watching it roll down between those jiggling cheeks. What do you think of that??

揑 like it,?she heaved out, pressing her ass up against his belly even higher. 揗ore. I want it.?

Jasper jerked her head to the side, sliding bared teeth over her exposed shoulder, up the column of her neck. 揌ow are your tits? Do they need anything from me? I could flip you over and suck them for a while.?

揘o,?she screamed. 揇on抰卲lease. Don抰 stop.?

揥ho said anything about stopping??His drives became wild, relentless, the sound of his balls hitting wood and wet flesh, picking up rhythm. 揑抎 just throw one of these legs over, spin you right around on that cock you抮e enjoying so much.?His teeth snagged her earlobe and pulled. 揊lexible as fuck, aren抰 you? I know what kind of body I抳e got beneath me. I know what you can take, so don抰 question me.?

His hand twisted the strands of her hair until she agreed. 揙kay. I won抰。?

Jasper抯 eyelids drooped, his lower back muscles going tight. On top of Rita having the wettest, most constricting pussy he could have dreamed up, hearing her submit had pushed him too far. It was only a matter of a minute before his come filled the condom and yeah梖uck, yeah梩here was a beast raging inside him to lose the latex and ride out his orgasm bareback. An impulse he抎 never experienced in his lifetime. It took an actual, concerted effort to check the urge. 揜ita, Rita, Rita. You抮e strangling the fuck out of me.?He let go of her hair in favor of throwing one of her knees onto the desk, finding an angle that would drive her over the edge. And then he used the same hand to grip her throat, with only the barest hint of mercy. 揊orget the air, Rita. You only need me to breathe.?

She splintered apart around him, screaming into the desk surface, her pussy twisting like a vise around his dick. Turning him into a pounding wild man, his hips jerking forward without a single command from his brain. He never released his hold on her throat, knowing instinctively her orgasm would reach another level if he kept up the pressure. Pressure. Everything. Zigzagging up and down his spine, filling his balls until he was speaking unintelligible words into the space above her violently shaking body.

揂hhh, Christ, beautiful. Keep your ass up for me, take my come.?He fell forward onto her back, sliding in their mutual perspiration, his hips moving as if detached from his body. Pistoning. Humping in broken patterns, like he抎 never been inside a woman before. Like he only knew the pleasure of driving his dick home and couldn抰 stop indulging. Indulging. 揚ush up on your toes and spread. Wider. Wide enough to question your morals later when you look in the mirror.?An involuntary snarl left him. 揧ou抮e going to take all of it. You and this gorgeous cunt.?

He watched through hazy vision as her knuckles turned white on the desk抯 edge, felt her bottom lift against his belly梐nd lost his grip on reality. The room faded to black around him, or he might have lost consciousness, his body draining of tension, pleasure wrapping around his gut like slowly fading fog. It wasn抰 the two years of abstaining making his reaction so fierce, so all consuming. Rita. It was Rita. It was so obvious in the way his heart tried to rip through his chest, the way he gathered her up like a greedy man, coveting, holding on to a life raft in a storm.

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