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Tragic Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #5)(29)

Author:J. Bree

He says it in a playfully innocent tone, the smirk still going strong on his face, and my cheeks heat up at the implication.

I’ve already had group sex.

One by one, four out of five of my Bonded Group had fucked me until my legs had shaken and my pussy throbbed, but it hadn’t been so… planned out. I didn’t have to think about it or wrap my head around the logistics of more than one man in my bed, it had just sort of happened. Even the threesome with North and Gryphon had been spur of the moment, on my behalf, at least.

There’s too much time for my own head to get in the way here.

As we get to the front steps of our house, Gabe gives me a sidelong look when I haven’t immediately replied to Atlas’ offer, checking in with my hesitance. When he opens his mouth, Atlas cuts him off. “What part of us distracting you is freaking you out, Bonded? If Nox has—”

I can’t bear any Nox hate tonight. “He hasn’t done anything. It’s just— I’m still getting my head around some aspects of the bonding and… part of me still thinks you guys are going to get jealous or pissed off or that I’ll do something if we’re all together that will ruin things. Bonding doesn’t just magically make the insecurities disappear. Real life doesn’t work like that.”

I don’t know who I’m trying to convince here.

We’re thankfully ducking into the house and kicking off our shoes at the door in a haphazard pile that will absolutely piss North off when he does eventually make it home, so I’m saved from hearing Atlas’ answer to my mini meltdown. I turn to head off to my room, happy enough to just let it all go and watch some trashy TV in bed, when a hand clamps down on the back of my neck and stops me.

My bond always did like it when they act possessive and just a little brutish and, sure enough, it hums happily in my chest at the move.

Atlas tugs me closer to the heat of his body, his free hand twisting around my waist until I’m trapped in his arms, his lips hot against my neck as he murmurs, “I’m not jealous of any of the other Bonded. I might still loathe the ground Nox fucking Draven walks on, I probably will forever, but I’m not jealous of him. There’s nothing that you’re going to do with Gabe that’s going to ruin anything between us, Sweetness. So just get that shit out of your head. Better yet, get those pants off so that I can get to taking care of my Bonded.”

I don’t need to be asked twice.

There’s still a flutter of nervousness in my belly as I fling my clothes from my body, the heat of both of their eyes like a physical thing on my body. The moment I shimmy out of my lacy lingerie, Gabe groans and catches my bra mid-air as he starts towards me.

“That one is my favorite, don’t throw it away. What are you trying to do to me here, Bonded?”

It melts some of my worries away, just enough that I can spin on the spot and skip off towards my bedroom with a shake of my naked ass at them both. Gabe groans again, stomping after me. When I look back at him, I find him leaving his own trail of clothes behind. That’ll be a fun find for the others when they make it home, but then the last of my nervousness disappears when Atlas laughs at us, stalking after us both.

Maybe this can just be fun.

I’m two steps away from the bed when Gabe catches me, his hands firm on my waist as he spins me up into his arms with the sort of casual ease that he has. It’s very smooth and, if I didn’t know better, I’d think he’d had just a little too much practice at swinging girls around.

I like that he hasn’t.

The playing field is a little more even between us both.

He ducks down to catch my lips in a blisteringly hot kiss, his naked body plastered against my own and his hands clutching at me in a hot demand. I wrap my legs around his waist, hitching myself more securely to him and trying not to wriggle down to impale myself onto his cock like I so desperately want to.

A girl needs to be wooed first.

Well, at least I should be thinking like that, but when his lips move against mine in another scorching kiss, I find myself less interested in the teasing dance, the push-and-pull of our foreplay so far, and instead I want them both naked and worshiping me.

Is that a little too greedy? Maybe. Do I care? Nope. I’m sure they’ll enjoy it just as much as I will.

A second set of hands press against my back as Atlas directs us both to the bed. Gabe is happy enough to take the direction without breaking away from our kiss, especially when Atlas tugs my legs until he can crawl in-between them, and all sorts of happy noises claw their way out of my throat until I’m moaning into Gabe’s lips.

One of his hands drops from my cheek to stroke at my neck, working slowly down my soft skin until he’s groaning as he tweaks and pinches at my pert nipples. I’m on fire for them, reacting to every stroke of Atlas’ tongue and every tease of pleasure Gabe gives me as I lose myself in them both.

“What do you want, Sweetness? I could stay here and eat you out all night if that’s what you want.”

Yes. No. Fuck. I don’t know what I really want right now, especially not when he gets right back to work with his tongue.

I could do this all night… except there’s nothing quite like being stretched open wide by my Bonded’s cock, and the idea of missing out on that tonight doesn’t sit well with me.

I reach down to run my fingers through his hair, waiting until his eyes meet mine. “I want more. I need you to fuck me.”

He doesn’t need to be asked twice.

I find myself being lifted and flipped over, a quick kiss from Atlas before he gets me on my knees in front of him, and a hand running down my ass as he enjoys the view.

I look over my shoulder at him with a grin that slides off my face and tumbles into a moan as he lines himself up, pushing in as his eyes squeeze shut.

“So fucking tight, Sweetness. This pussy was made for me.”

I flush with pleasure, but his words only remind me that I have another Bonded here with us, splayed out and leaning against the headboard as he watches Atlas take me.

I want them both.

“You can fuck my face if you want to,” I say with a grin, enjoying the way Gabe smirks back at me with a light in his eyes at the thought of getting his dick sucked.

It’s still such a novel thing for him.

It makes me lightheaded, just a little giddy at the thought of all of the things that we get to experience together, all of the things that will only belong to the two of us and no one else.

Atlas catches my chin in his hand, turning my face so he can kiss me one last time before I drop down onto my hands, glancing up at Gabe through my lashes as I open my mouth for him.

He doesn’t waste time.

Gabe groans and thrusts deep into my throat, all the way down until I’m fighting my reflexes so that I don’t choke on the length of him. I love it, love the burn of it, love the way that tears spring into my eyes and run down my cheeks as he mutters and moans under his breath about how perfect my mouth feels around his cock.


I want to ignore it. I want to ignore the dark whispers of my bond in my mind so badly because this moment should just belong to me and my Bonded, but there’s a part of me that knows that we’ll always be sharing these moments. Also the allegiance that my bond had shown to me when Jericho had talked about it killing me had sort of changed things a little as well.

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