Home > Books > Tragic Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #5)(30)

Tragic Bonds (The Bonds That Tie #5)(30)

Author:J. Bree

I think I trust it more now.

I’m also completely aware that it could’ve been lying, and I might be a naive idiot about to be killed off by the god that shares my body… the damned vessel.

Gabe’s fingers curl around my chin as his hips pull away from me, tilting my head up as he wipes the tears away from my cheeks with a scowl. “What’s happened, Bonded? What’s going on in that head of yours?”

His fingers are soft as they stroke over my cheek and my eyes flutter shut at his gentle care. There’s a quiet possessiveness in the way he’s handling me, no hesitation as he pulls me back up so that I’m kneeling, Atlas’ cock still hot and hard as he pumps slowly, lazily into my body, and then he catches my lips once again. He can’t stop touching me, his hands running over my body as he memorizes every little freckle and scar there as though we haven’t already spent hours doing it alone together. He’s just as obsessed with me as I am with him, and it only makes my bond purr with happiness in my chest.

Atlas’ fingers bite into the soft skin of my hips, his movements speeding up as we both race towards our peaks, ready to tumble over the edge together. When it becomes clear that I’m too distracted to really keep up with his kiss, Gabe pushes me back down onto my hands with a firm but gentle hand.

I open my mouth back up wide for his cock to slip back into my mouth and down my throat, groaning as the salty taste of his precum slips over my tastebuds. The only thing my bond wants more than to have my Bonded coming down my throat is them filling my pussy up, and there’s no way I could fit two of them in me at once.

Not that I can think of that right now with them both inside of me like this.

When it’s clear that Atlas is getting close, one of his hands slips down to where we’re joined, his fingers running through my juices as they gush down my thighs before he rubs my clit, pushing me to follow him over the edge. My whimpers are muffled thanks to Gabe’s cock, and my arms begin to shake as I attempt to keep myself upright even as my body turns into liquid.

A few more pumps and Gabe comes with a groan, his hips stuttering as he pushes in deeper, and I have to swallow around the girth of him so that I don’t choke, listening to Gabe’s groans turn into moans at the sensations as my throat works him over.

I glance up in time to see Gabe’s eyes flash to amber, but they’re different this time.

They’re darker.

Definitely not voids, there’s no extra being living under his skin, but the warm honey color has deepened into a burnished brass. Something is changing in him, our Bonding has shifted some part of his Gift, and now he’s becoming more than he once was.

More than the other Gifted will ever be.

A shiver runs down my spine at the sound of my bond in my head, the words rattling around in the space that feels emptied out thanks to the ripples of pleasure still working their way down to my toes.

I probably should take more notice of what it said, the puzzle pieces clicking together, but with two naked Bonded in my bed gearing up for round two already, I don’t have time for that.

Not tonight.

Chapter Twelve


I'm dreaming.

There’s no question about that, but I already know that something is off about this dream. The moment that awareness hits me, I can feel her here. It's not that I feel like there's something wrong, like there's someone intruding on my mind space, because she’s the other half of my soul who walks this earth beside me, as perfectly right in this space as I myself am, but it’s still different to have her here in my mind like this.

I’m so primed to sense her here that I'm aware of her instantly. It takes her a little longer to recognize that she’s wandered her way into my mind, the fog of sleep taking a moment to lift before she’s blinking around at the space with just a little bit of panic.

“Jesus. I'm so sorry, Gabe,” she says with a groan, and I have to concentrate to reach her in the murky darkness of my unconscious state, but when I do, some of the tension eases out of her.

She’s sitting there on what appears to be a small rock. I don't know whether I imagined that rock for her or whether she has the ability to manipulate this state as well. All of this is so far beyond my own ability to rationalize, but I take a seat next to her.

“Don't worry about it, Bonded. You’re welcome to every part of me, sleeping or awake.”

I watch as, even in this dream state, a blush creeps over her cheeks at my words. I’ve discovered that she reacts that way to soft and kind words, even when they’re the truest ones that have ever passed my lips.

“It's still an invasion of privacy,” she says, her voice gloomy and upset. I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“Stop beating yourself up, Bonded. I already know that you didn't mean to. But even if you did, I would have welcomed you here.”

She sighs, burying her face into the crook of my neck as she murmurs under her breath, “Just because we're Bonded doesn't mean that I am entitled to every little facet of your lives. You deserve to have some privacy, and I've already ripped that away from one of my Bonded… I don't want to do that to anyone else.”

I shrug at her but tuck her further into my body. “Honestly, Nox is the only one who was ever going to have an issue with that, and you guys have sorted that out between you, right?”

She sighs again and nods, the tiniest movement of her head. “I don't think he wants me to see his nightmares though. I don’t think anyone in the Bonded Group would want me seeing their nightmares.”

When she’s in this type of state, I already know there's no talking her out of it. The guilt is eating away at her regardless, so better to distract her than try to argue with it. “Anything you want to see while we're here? Any of my memories you want to spelunk with me? I'm an open book, you know. Nothing to hide.”

She huffs out a laugh and pulls away just enough to look up at me as the corners of her mouth quirk up and transform her face in the most gorgeous of grins.

She’s heartbreakingly beautiful.

“I’m sure there's something I could find that you wouldn't want me to see. You're not actually a saint, you know.”

I clutch my chest as though she's mortally wounded me, and though there is the tiniest of truth in her words, there’s not a lot of shit I’m embarrassed about or regret, and there's also nothing that I wouldn't give her.

I'm happy to sit here and banter with her for the rest of the night, keeping her mind safe and loved within my own until we wake, but there is a small growling noise off in the distance that has me stiffening around her protectively.

“What the hell was that?” Oli mumbles as she tries to look around me. I take a deep breath to resign myself to the truth.

“That would be my dragon. He's obviously figured out that you're here and wants some attention.”

She glances up at me in shock. “Your dragon… he talks to you?”

I groan and rub a hand over my face, the action just as soothing in my dream as it is in real life, as though I am able to clear away all of the terrible thoughts with the action. “It couldn't before. My bond wasn't like yours or the Dravens’, but after my dragon first appeared… it now has a voice.”

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