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Role Playing(65)

Author:Cathy Yardley

In the short time his brain processed the scene, Maggie’s dark eyes gleamed and her chin jutted forward. “What are you doing here, Trev?”

“I picked up Kit at the airport.” Trev shrugged. “He told me he was coming in early, and I told him I was planning on being in town for the week. His flight was really early, so we grabbed a sunrise breakfast, and then I drove him back.”

The look of betrayal on Maggie’s face was heartbreaking. She looked at Kit. “You told him? When did you talk to him?”

“We’ve been talking for a month or two,” Kit admitted quickly. “I meant to”

“I wanted to talk to him again,” Trev cut in. “He’s a grown man now, Mags. He doesn’t need your permission to talk to me.”

“You’re making it sound like I stopped you from talking to him.” Maggie’s hackles were raised. “You could’ve called any time in the past five fucking years. Don’t make me the villain in this little redemption story.”

Trev sighed. “I didn’t mean to . . . damn it, Maggie. I just wanted to get to know my son. Is that so much of a problem?”

Kit, Aiden noticed, looked hideously uncomfortable. “It’s okay, Mom,” Kit said. “I mean, I hung up on him the first few times he called, and then I yelled at him. But it’s been better.”

Maggie sent a look over to Aiden, one filled with pain, confusion, loss. He was at her side before he could consciously think about it, putting an arm around her shoulders and giving her a comforting squeeze.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered.

Kit shrugged. “It’s a long story”

“Maybe it’s better if we discuss this, just family,” Trev interrupted, giving Aiden the smallest nod.

Aiden squeezed Maggie a little harder, looking down at her shell-shocked face. “You want me to stay?” he asked.

She swallowed hard.

Of course, that would be when his phone rang. He grabbed it to silence it, then saw it was Davy. Goddamn it. He ignored it.

When he looked back at Maggie, it was like she’d turned into a statue. Her eyes were dry, and her face was as blank as a TV that had been shut off.

“It’s fine. I’ve got this,” she said. “You probably want to find out what that is, anyway.”

Dammit. Even if she hadn’t figured out it was Davy, she knew he was constantly embroiled in family dramas. It would be reasonable for her to assume that he’d be off dealing with another one. Still, he didn’t want to abandon her in the face of her own drama.

“Whatever. It can wait.” He turned to her, unwittingly rubbing her arms. “I know you’re upset—”

“I’m fine.” Too sharp. She cleared her throat, as if she’d noticed her own overreaction.

“You have always been there for me,” he said, disregarding their curious audience. “I want to be here for you now. Please. Let me.”

“I don’t need your help. I’ve got this.” Her expression never changed. “Just go.”

He swallowed. He knew what was happening. To accept his help was to admit she needed help. She was good at being a helper, a support, even with her token grumpiness. She was used to doing things for others.

She didn’t know what it meant for someone to do something for her. The man currently standing in her living room had been her enemy for too long, making her doubt herself, making her protect herself. He could almost see her throwing on armor as quickly as possible, turning prickly.

Getting ready for battle.

“Please,” she added, and he could see how the word cost her.

He wanted to kiss her, but he figured it wouldn’t be welcome. He stroked her shoulder, and she glared at him.

He huffed out a breath, then nodded. “I’ll call later,” he said, even as he suspected she’d blow it off. “And if you need anything, I will be here as soon as I can. All right?”

“I know.” She might as well have been carved out of stone.

This was Bogwitch.

This didn’t feel good at all.

But he couldn’t just ignore what she asked for, either, no matter how much he didn’t think it was what she needed. He sighed. Then he pulled on his shoes and coat.

“Nice to meet you,” he said with a nod, to Kit and Kit only. “Maggie . . .”

I love you.

Yeah, it might be kind of sudden, but it felt like all their months of friendship, and what they were doing now . . . he knew, in his gut. He loved this fierce, grumpy, adorable, wonderful woman.

But he couldn’t say it, so he just looked at her, hoping she’d understand.

She nodded, then closed the door behind him.

He went out to his car, pulling his phone out and blindly dialing Davy. “What?” he snapped.

“I’m headed to the Falls in a few minutes,” Davy said. “Just needed to drop the kids off with Sheryl’s parents before we head to Mom’s.”

“Fuck’s sake, why?”

“Mom called me this morning, all pissed off.” Davy sounded at the end of his rope. “She said she’s cutting you out of the will, and if I don’t get her that new car today, she’s cutting me out too. What the hell happened between you two? What did you do?”

Aiden gritted his teeth. He was so sick of this shit.

“Why are you bringing Sheryl?” Aiden said, then felt a chill in the pit of his stomach. “You’re not . . . shit. Are you actually bringing her a new car?”

A split second’s hesitation. “Well . . . at least it’s safe. It’s automatic. She shouldn’t have a manual, and something a little . . .”

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“All right. Good luck with that.”

Davy seemed taken aback. “Are you going to even talk to her?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Dude!” Davy sounded pained. “I can’t handle this all by myself! Just meet me at Mom’s house, okay?”

Aiden gritted his teeth. “I will,” he said. “But you’re not going to like it when I do.”

“Sure, sure.” The relief was heavy in his voice. “I’ll text you when I get there.”

He hung up. Aiden rolled his shoulders, trying to get rid of the tension building there. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he knew one thing.

He was going to use every last zero-fucks-given lesson he’d learned from Bogwitch. It was long past time.



Maggie wasn’t quite sure how she felt. Hollow, for a start. Blindsided. Not even angry—well, anger was there, beneath the surface, but there was more of a sense of loss. All of it mixed with the previous day, when she’d slept with Aiden, and then made a pretense of watching something as they made out on the couch, and they’d had spicy ramen for lunch and then had sex again . . . She had been hopeful, and happy. She’d felt lighter than a dandelion seed, ready to almost float away. And as much as she loved Kit, it was always mixed with that ever-present stress, to protect and provide and most of all, to not screw up. Being with Aiden had been like flying—just joy, no expectations.

And . . . they appeared to be starting a relationship. Which meant even more of that gorgeous, wonderful feeling.

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