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Sincerely, Your Inconvenient Wife (The Harder They Fall, #2)(24)

Author:Julia Wolf

I was facing another week in a job I had heavy doubts I was capable of.

Keeping a motorcycle company afloat and profitable in an electric age and downward economic trends.

My entire extended family counting on those profits for their livelihood.

The reality that my father wasn’t the invincible force of nature I’d always viewed him as.

My mother worrying herself into knots over the heart of the man she’d taken care of her entire adult life.

The wife sleeping in the room beside mine.

My fucking dick swelling in my pants at the very thought of her. My desires couldn’t even give me a break. Not even my constant stream of worries would cut off my forceful attraction to Saoirse.

I accepted sleep wouldn’t be coming until I did. With a frustrated groan, I yanked back the covers and took my cock in my palm. And like I’d done dozens of times since the night we met, I closed my eyes and pictured Saoirse writhing on my sheets, the memory of her taste on my tongue.

When I was finished and sated, undeserved resentment toward her rose in the place of desire. But at least I was finally able to shut everything else off and fall asleep.

My next week was so tightly packed I barely had room to think, which I now viewed as a good thing. It was only when I got home, the quiet presence of Saoirse in my den, the place that had been my retreat, everything flooded back.

She was as unobtrusive as possible. She hadn’t asked anything of me since moving in. No chirped greetings in the morning or demands I have dinner with her in the evening. We were barely roommates, and we’d yet to discuss how it would go when we went public with our marriage. We hadn’t talked about much of anything.

That would have to change. In order to be a believable couple, we had to know each other. Beyond the background check I’d had done on her, I only knew vague stories I’d heard about her over the years.

With that in mind, I emailed her Tuesday morning from my desk.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


If you have time today, join me for lunch.



Her reply was immediate and to the point.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Hey, thanks for the invite. I actually have plans for lunch today.

What about tomorrow?



I stopped myself from demanding to know what plans she had. It wasn’t my concern. Saoirse could have lunch with the president if she liked, as long as she understood, in public, she was my wife.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Then I will see you tonight for dinner. We should talk about how we’re going to handle telling our parents, which is something that needs to happen soon.



Prompt as ever, she replied in minutes.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


You’re actually going to be home tonight? I wasn’t sure if you even lived there anymore. I’ll have to cancel the rager I had planned.

I’m up for dinner and talking. I would like that very much. We can also discuss the cat you promised me.



I pressed the heel of my hand into my eye. This woman. I’d forgotten about my promise to let her have a cat. Clearly, she hadn’t.

Clara popped her head into my office. “The baby is in the mood for Thai. Take me to lunch?”

I dropped my hand, narrowing my eyes at her. “Don’t you have a husband for that?”

“Miller doesn’t like Thai food and you know I hate eating on my own. Please, Luca? We can talk about the new list of women I sent you.”

“Is that supposed to be an enticement?”

She rubbed her protruding belly. “Your niece is craving chicken satay. Would you really deprive her of that?”

I shook my head. “At some point, you won’t be able to hold her over my head to get your way.”

She wagged her finger at me. “Fortunately for me, that day is not today. See you at noon.”

Chapter Fifteen


Niddhi, Amelia, Charlie, and I were out to lunch at Niddhi’s favorite Thai place. She was still in a downward spiral over her ex, who now had a serious girlfriend and was blasting their relationship all over social media.

This was a cheer-up lunch, and I was more than pleased to have been invited into this tight little group.

Plus, the pad thai and gaeng daeng were off-the-charts delicious. Better than I had when I’d visited Thailand.

I felt a little bad for being in such a good mood when Amelia had just swooped a tearful Niddhi to the bathroom to help her clean up her makeup, but I was. Luca and I were finally going to talk tonight, and maybe I’d get my cat soon.

Charlie reached across and swiped a piece of fried basil from my plate. “How is this so good?”

I swatted his arm. “Watch it. I take my food seriously. The next time you steal from me, I can’t promise I won’t stab you with my fork.”

He gave me a playful shove back. “Sharing is caring, Saorise.” His playful expression suddenly dropped. “Oh shit. Why is the CEO looking at us like that?”

Turning my head, I followed his line of sight, landing on Luca. He was on the other side of the restaurant, his thunderous glare aimed directly at the two of us. I gave him a small smile, which seemed to cause his frown to deepen. I didn’t know what else to do since we were still under wraps. It wasn’t like a temporary employee could waltz over to the CEO for a chat.

“He’s not going to last, you know.”

I whipped around to face Charlie. “What do you mean?”

“Have you heard anything about Luca Rossi?”

I shook my head. “Not really.”

He leaned in, speaking low, even though there was no chance Luca would be able to hear him from the other side of the restaurant. “He’s at clubs every weekend, always getting his pictures taken. I’ve heard rumors he’s had multiple DUIs, which have been dismissed from bribes. They also say his sister is the one who really runs the company. He’s just the face of it…for now.”

“That sounds like a lot of rumors based on nothing but gossip.” I had to fight the snarl that wanted to come out and play. I barely knew Luca, but by the nature of our relationship, he had my loyalty, and I didn’t love the way Charlie was speaking about him. “Besides, I don’t think it’s a great idea to root against the CEO of the company you work for.”

He shrugged. “I was a big fan of his father. I’m reserving my judgment for the son.”

A laugh burst out of me. “This is you reserving your judgment?”

He snickered. “I guess not. But you’re right. I should give him a chance.” He peered in Luca’s direction. “Looks like he’s gone now. We can relax again.”

Niddhi and Amelia chose that moment to bustle back to the table, Niddhi’s streaks of mascara all cleaned up. She dove straight for the plate of spring rolls in the middle of the table.

“What did we miss?” Amelia asked as she shook out her napkin.

I waved my chopsticks at Charlie. “Just a little bashing of the CEO, that’s all.”

She rolled her eyes. “Charlie only dislikes Luca Rossi because he’s hotter than him.”

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