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North Queen (Crowns, #1)(34)

Author:Nicola Tyche

“Alexander Rhemus,” she said, “I appoint you lord justice of Mercia, high commander, proxy of the Queen, and protector of Mercia and her people.”

Not a word had been forgotten. Norah had said it in her mind a thousand times, and what made it flow so easily was that she believed it. There was only one right decision, and it was Alexander. She dipped her fingers into the bowl of oil held by the priest. Slowly, she drew her fingertips along his palms. “May your hands be my hands.”

She ran her thumb across his lips. “May your words be my words.”

Then she reached and scribed a line on his breastplate with her fingers, just above the winterhawk. “May your heart be my heart.”

Norah smiled down at him. “Rise, Lord Justice.”

Alexander stood with emotion thick in his eyes. Then he took his place by her side, and cheers of approval deafened the hall.

Alexander was already in the great hall by the time Norah arrived. He watched as she stepped into the celebration, and cheers erupted. Several lords and their wives stopped by to offer their well-wishes to him, and he forced himself to peel his eyes from her long enough to extend his thanks. Then he turned his attention back to her.

She was beautiful. She captured the room the way she always did, filling the air with her light. He couldn’t help but smile. He heard a faint call to his right, but it wasn’t enough to pull him away.

“Alexander,” the voice came again, more sharply now.

Catherine. Although not required now that she was no longer queen regent, he bowed his head. “You look stunning today,” he greeted her.

She stood beside him with her eyes across the hall on Norah. “Flattery won’t win my support.”

Her words surprised him. Alexander looked at her. “Do you not support me as lord justice?”

She didn’t answer, and it wounded him.

He pushed out a breath. “Did you not name me so yourself?”

“It’s not that you won’t make a fine lord justice, Alexander. The gods know you already do. But Norah wasn’t here to cloud your mind before.”

His pulse beat heavily in his ears. He looked out across the hall. “Do you question my commitment to my duty?”

Catherine put her hand on his arm, drawing him to look back at her. “Of course not. But it will only make the path harder. For both of you.”

“My place is by her side. She’s my queen.”

“But she’s not yours.”

He knew this, but her words cut him. Still, he showed nothing. He admitted nothing.

Catherine sighed, looking back out across the hall. “But regardless of my worry and my attempts to keep you from it, you were always destined for this. I wish your father were here. He’d be so very proud of you.”

He drew in a breath as he fought back a wave of emotion. “Are you?”

Catherine squeezed his arm as tears brimmed her eyes. “Of course I am.” Then she stepped up on her toes and pulled him down, kissing him gently on his cheek. “Congratulations, my dear boy. There’s no one more worthy. I only fear for you both.” Then she squeezed his arm once again before leaving him to the celebration.

Her words hung heavy, reeling him into a mist of disquiet, that he almost didn’t notice Norah approaching.

“Congratulations, Lord Justice,” she said.

A smile crept back to his lips, and his worry was forgotten, as all worries were when she was near. “Congratulations, Queen Norah,” he said with a bow.

“Please don’t call me that,” she said in a hushed voice. “I’m barely keeping it together between yesterday and today.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Your Regal High.”

She laughed, and for that moment, he’d never been happier. He wanted to help take the burden away and make her forget—even if for only a moment—that the world hung on her shoulders.

“I feel like since the priest said it, it’s proper now,” she said.

“It is proper.”

She shook her head, amazed. “How did you even manage that?”

“With my charm,” he joked, and she laughed again.

To have her back, to have her laughing again… He hadn’t dreamed it was possible. The deep pools of her eyes drew him in and held him. She was beautiful. And she was home.

He forced himself to break away and look back out across the hall, just as a familiar face approached.

His smile faded, and his chest tightened. He knew this was something he’d have to manage eventually, but he had hoped it wouldn’t be tonight. Norah followed his gaze to the fair-haired woman. It was Ismene, the woman Catherine had been working so diligently to see him wed. He stood quietly as she approached.

As she drew close, Alexander forced a welcoming nod. “Queen Norah, may I present Ismene Dartan,” he said.

Ismene gave a polite smile and curtsied.

“Ismene,” Norah said. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, Queen Norah. Welcome home, and congratulations!”

Norah’s eyes turned to Alexander, searching him for additional clues as to who this woman was.

Ismene looked at him for her introduction as well. Excitement danced across her face.

“Ismene is a friend,” he said, avoiding eye contact with her. This wouldn’t be the introduction she was hoping for.

Norah smiled at Ismene. Alexander knew her well enough to know it was forced.

“Well then,” Norah said, “we shall be friends too.”

“You’re too kind, Your Elegance.”

“Regal High,” Alexander said. He knew Ismene wouldn’t be the only one he’d correct. He only wished it didn’t have to be here, like this, tonight. Ismene was a kind soul, and she had the best of intentions.

“Of course,” Ismene said quickly, and curtsied to Norah. “Your Regal High.” Then she turned to Alexander. “And congratulations as well, Lord Justice.”

“Thank you, Ismene,” he said, trying to keep the discomfort from his voice.

There was an awkward silence, and Ismene let out a breath. “I’ll let you enjoy the evening. Congratulations again, Your Regal High,” she said, giving another curtsy. “Lord Justice,” she added.

Alexander gave a small bow as Ismene disappeared back into the crowd. He waited anxiously for Norah’s reaction.

“She seems very nice,” Norah said finally.

An easy compliment to agree with. “Yes, she is.”

“And beautiful,” she added.

Many men thought so, but Ismene’s beauty held nothing for him. He shifted and then gave a stiff nod. He didn’t want to talk about Ismene with Norah.

Norah’s lips moved, as if to say something else, when James found them. Alexander let out a silent breath of relief.

“Queen Norah,” the councilman said, taking her hand. “Congratulations. May the gods smile down on you.”

Her smile widened, bright and warm. “Thank you, James,” she said. She squeezed his hand. “I mean it. Thank you.”

James patted the top of their clasped hands. “Of course, my dear. It’s my duty and my joy.” Then he turned to Alexander and grasped his shoulder. “Your destiny, my boy. Congratulations.”

Alexander nodded as pride swelled within him. James had always believed in him, and it brought him joy that James was here to see him named lord justice. “Thank you, James.”

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