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Ensnared (Brutes of Bristlebrook, #1)(33)

Author:Rebecca Quinn

“Save it,” he sneers. “Least she’s honest, or I guess I’d be over the walls.”

Dom curses. “Jayk, I’m sorry. But what the fuck were we meant to think? She doesn’t exactly scream claw-your-back sex.”

I flinch and look at my feet, his words like tiny cuts of shattered glass.

“Trust me, she screams plenty,” Jaykob taunts.

Jasper lets out a low laugh behind me. “Interesting. She may enjoy me yet.”

“Ooohhhkay. I think Eden’s had enough,” Beau interrupts, coming to my rescue as I try my best to become liquid and melt through the floor. A wide hand brushes against the middle of my back, and when I glance up, apologetic woodland eyes peer down at me.

“Whatever. Gimme my shirt back when you’re done.”

Dom sighs and his voice softens. “Jayk, I’m—”

Jaykob storms out, clearly still pissed.

Honestly, I can’t really blame him. They’re meant to be his friends. Or co-inhabitants, anyway. War-man partners? While I can’t fault their protective instincts, how could they think he’s capable of that? He’s an ass, sure. Humiliating and rough and rude as heck. But he never made me worry about my safety at any point—and he might not have been polite about it, but he made sure I wanted him before he touched me.

I somehow don’t think he’ll be open to a sympathetic hug, though.

After one searching last assessment from those molten eyes of his, Dom leaves for the kitchen, muttering under his breath —I only catch the words “trouble” and “pain in the ass.”

After a moment, I nod at Beau to let him lead me upstairs, and his tension finally eases as I allow him to take charge.

“Eden,” Jasper says, and I turn, wishing he’d just let me hide in peace. He continues carefully, “If you want to talk—about anything—you can talk to me. It’s not entirely possible, clearly, but I will try to remain impartial.”

I remember that he’s a psychologist. He surely means well, but the veiled hints and threats about the nature of his preferences unnerve me. And then there’s this coiled, threatening stillness in him. I glimpsed it my first day here, but seeing him now, so malevolent and impenetrable, I can’t believe I managed to fool myself into thinking he was a kind, bookish safe haven.

“What were you and Dom arguing about when I came in?” I ask.

Jasper gives me a long, measured look. Finally, and oh-so-politely, he replies, “With respect, it’s not your concern.”

A chill runs up my spine, and I’m conscious of the line he’s drawing.

No, not drawing—a line he’s reinforcing. Dom and Beau were the first to dismiss me last night at dinner. I suck in a painful breath. It hurts coming from Jasper, who just a week ago was so sweetly reassuring, talking about family and our pieces fitting together. But they aren’t keeping me here to start a relationship. If I fit at all, it will be between their sheets, or under their feet.

If I’m to keep any pride at all, I need to keep my emotions contained.

You’re here for yourself , Eden, not for them, I remind myself. For as long as it works for you .

“Then no, I believe I’ll decline your offer,” I reply, forcing my tone to remain even. I glance at Beau. “I can see myself to my room, thank you.”

The concerned warmth on his face dims, but I brush past him, up the stairs, and into my room before he can speak.

Chapter 14



Sadists will only hurt you.

I flip the pancake into the air, trying to get it to do three spins before it hits the pan again.

“Can you just cook the damn things instead of playing with them?” Dom barks, pacing the kitchen behind me with the charged energy of a panther lashing its tail.

“Art. This is art, boss man. Don’t mess with it. And don’t get pissy with me just ’cause you didn’t think before you swung this time.” Before oh-leader-supreme can bite my head off, I slide the pancake off the pan and onto a plate, and then plant it on the edge of the counter for him. “Just swallow it and apologize. Plenty of sugar in these babies to help it go down right. Jayk’ll bitch, but he’ll get over it. We’ll need him on side soon enough.”

Dom scowls . . . but stalks closer to the pancakes. He’ll settle once he’s eaten.

“Not the point. I shouldn’t have gone after him like that.” He stabs a fluffy pancake with his fork, sounding almost sullen.

“She’s just got those big, prissy fucking eyes. She isn’t the type. What was I meant to think?”

He stabs the pancake harder and it splits in a fluffy spray.

A laugh snorts out of me that I can’t keep in, despite the glare I receive in return.

I hold up my hands in surrender. “She got naked in front of four of us on her first night here and came all over Beau’s lap.”

Lucky bastard. It should have been a Lucky bastard. “She might not know what the hell she’s doing—and she might shock herself into a nunnery—but she’s definitely the type. Whatever that is.”

And she’s cute. And smart. And I have a mother-flipping date with her tonight.

Beau eyes me sideways, and I realize I’m grinning like a five-year-old with pockets full of candy. Ah, whatever. Why not?

It’s been ages since I’ve felt this excited about something, and I’ll be good for her, anyway. I’ll make sure she has a bit of fun— the girl needs to lighten up.

Well, all of them need to lighten up, really, but I’m pretty sure it’s a lost cause with the guys. I’ve been working on ’em for years and I can still only get them to crack a smile once a month.

“She won’t want anything from us if we keep lying to her,” Beau says quietly.

I shoot Beau a sympathetic wince over Dom’s shoulder as the full weight of the bigger man’s displeasure lands on him.

“Since when do we explain our decisions to civs?”

The doc—brave guy—rolls his eyes. “I think that ship has kind of sailed, don’t you? She has a right to know if another group of hunters is hanging around these woods. I want her around as much as anyone but it could influence her decision on whether she wants to stay or not.”

Choosing self-preservation on this one, I pop a hunk of chocolate chip pancake in my mouth.

Beau and Dom’s recon mission had mixed success. The guys covered their asses by heading to town, but after they flagged that there could be another group out there, Jasper started running through our camera footage. Sure enough, there’s a huge group of hunters slowly making their way in our direction. Right now, they’re about five days south of us.

So in the understatement of the year, it’s not great. These guys are getting closer and closer to Bristlebrook, they’re seriously kitted out, and if they don’t already know their friends were taken out, they will soon. I’m guessing they aren’t going to be too happy about that.

And worst of all, it’s making Dom cranky.

The captain’s prickling anger is tangible as he narrows his eyes on Beau. “This wouldn’t even be our problem if we didn’t bundle her up and play knights in shining khaki for her. She’s been here a week and she’s already started infighting and brought a goddamn militia down on our heads.”

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