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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(134)

Author:T.A. White

Kira gave him a disbelieving stare. "You are absolute shit at keeping secrets."

"It was either come clean or let you face an invasion alone. He planned to court martial me and throw me in the brig if I didn't."

Kira waved her hands at Graydon and Wren's oshota. "That's why they're here. They would have gotten you out of it."

Raider and Jace sent Kira identical repressive looks.

"Alright, alright, I know," she said, giving in. "That's going a little far."

Jace was their friend. Having the Tuann break Raider out of the brig wasn't really fair. And would have permanently blown up Raider's career. Not to mention put a black spot on Jace’s at a time where he couldn’t afford to look weak.

"I think I've earned a little trust from you," Jace said softly.

There was a faint note in his voice that said her actions had hurt him. Kira tried not to feel too bad. What she'd done had been necessary. She'd always believe that.

"You know the value of operational security. Some things—they only work if as few people as possible know about them," Kira pointed out.

Anger touched his face. "You don't get to lecture me on the meaning of Top Secret. Even if I wasn't fully aware of how important this is, Raider and Blue are under my command. You had my own people deceive me. Do you not understand how bad that is? Be grateful for our history, Phoenix. It's the only reason I'm giving you a chance right now."

Jace stalked off, leaving them looking after him in silence.

"That could have gone better,” Raider noted.

Kira glared at him, still a little angry that he’d spilled her secrets.

He shrugged at her. "I made a judgment call. The best one I could make at the time."

Kira couldn’t really blame him for that.

Raider cast a glance at Odin. "I’ll wait for you in Jace's ready room. Don't keep him waiting too long."

Graydon joined her as Raider walked away. "I don't remember your admiral being quite that fiery the last time we met."

"Then you weren't paying attention."

Jace's call sign may have been White Knight, but he'd always been quick to anger. Unlike Raider, he tended to hold onto it longer too. The man held a grudge like no one else.

"What was with your interest in his subordinates?" At Kira's questioning look, Graydon smirked. "I know it was something, coli."

She stared, not letting anything show on her face.

"Ah," he said softly. "I doubt they're the forty three. That leaves me with only one other guess."

"What makes you say that?"

He leaned over to whisper in her ear. "You weren't angry at their presence, but worried." He straightened and smiled at her.

Sometimes she hated how observant he was.

"They looked more human than I expected," Graydon noted.

"They are human."

At least partially.

Kira ignored Graydon to glance at her seon’yer. "What about our friend?"

"Safely secured and under guard. Talon is standing watch with Devon and Joule."

Finally, something that had gone right.

"Your admiral was most perturbed when he learned what we had in custody," Wren continued.

Yes, she supposed he would be.

Kira fixed her gaze on Odin. "You're up. Don't disappoint me."

"When have I ever done that?"

"Do you want a list?" To Wren, "Keep an eye on them."

Wren's nod was as formal as always. "That was my intention."

As Wren led Odin away with his oshota, Graydon glanced at Kira. "I need to catch up with my people and send Harlow and the emperor a report. We're overdue. Will you be fine without me?"

"Somehow I think I'll manage." Kira looked at the place where Jace and Raider had gone. "It's probably best this way anyway."

They could use the privacy. Some things were harder to say with an audience, and this was likely to be one of those times.

"Alright. But watch yourself. I'm with Pallas on this. I still don't trust most humans."

"Most? Not all?" Kira slapped his shoulder playfully. "Why Graydon—you softy. I knew I was growing on you."

Graydon rolled his eyes, stalking toward his oshota as Kira snickered to herself. She did so love teasing that man whenever she got the chance.

"Jin, let's go," Kira ordered, starting toward the base's entrance.

"Whatever you say, Nixxy poo."

Kira paused to glare at the drone. Of all things Odin could have taught it. They had to teach it that.