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Trials of Conviction (The Firebird Chronicles, #5)(136)

Author:T.A. White

Kira's smile was sharp and just as hypocritical as Grace's as they stopped in front of a room with a plaque that had Jace's name and rank on it. "Now, unless you want me to mistake your actions as holding our people against their will, you'll tell me what happened to the Tuann that Luatha sent to accompany those ships."

"They're at a research base," someone said from the opposite end of the hallway.

Grace’s expression went stiff as a woman with features that pointed to a Japanese heritage that derived all the way from Old Earth walked up to them.

"What are you doing here, Mei?" Grace asked as the woman stopped in front of them.

The woman nodded a greeting at Kira. "Forrest."

"Lieutenant Himoto," Kira responded, using her rank as was appropriate in a situation like this.

Humor touched the lieutenant's eyes. No doubt she understood, as Kira did, the insult Grace had intended by using her first name.

In the military, it was custom to refer to another by their rank and last name unless you were particularly close or a superior officer addressing your subordinate in a private setting.

To call Himoto by her first name in front of an outsider was Grace's subtle way of putting the other in her place. Not flagrant enough to be called out on but enough for everyone, except Finn, to understand Grace's intentions.

"It's good to see you again," Lieutenant Himoto said, the corners of her eyes creasing in a faint smile that made Kira's breath shorten from how much she looked like her father in that moment.

It was the same expression he always got when he was pleased about something.

Seeing it on Lieutenant Himoto's face was like a punch in the gut, reminding Kira of the grief she still felt at her mentor's passing.

Lieutenant Himoto's hair hung in a straight sheet down her back, one side brought forward to lay over her chest. The other tucked behind her ear to present a neat appearance. She was dressed in a tailored leather trench jacket that hit her at mid-thigh. Its color somewhere between silver and a deep brown.

"As to my presence, it's because Admiral Skarsdale asked for it," Himoto explained coolly. "You can return to your duties. I'll take over the escort from here."

Affront showed on Grace's face.

"Oh, before I forget," the lieutenant said, pausing. "In future, I'd appreciate it if you refer to me by the rank I've earned. We're not close enough to be on a first name basis."

Grace looked like she'd been slapped, her embarrassment deepening as she shot a glance at Kira and Finn. With an angry huff, she turned and stalked away.

"I see you have your father's way with words," Kira observed, watching her go.

"I usually prefer a less aggressive approach, but that woman makes it impossible," Himoto explained, sounding tired for a moment.

Kira looked at her. "I didn't expect to see you here."

During their last encounter, she'd been under the impression that the lieutenant kept a distance between her and her father. Even going so far as to serve in a unit not under his command.

"The reputation of my last name has become increasingly inconvenient of late. Admiral Skarsdale was kind enough to offer me a port of safety while things sort themselves out."

Kira frowned. "You're being targeted?"

"Among other things."

Kira was quiet, studying the other woman. She supposed it was understandable that Himoto's enemies were making themselves known after his death. They must have taken it as a chance to root out all aspects of his influence. His daughter included.

"Let me guess—there are those claiming your accomplishments are all due to your father's influence."

It's what they had done to Kira at one point too. In her case, her deceptive youth and inexperience had made the whisper campaign particularly effective.

It had taken several high profile battles to shut that nonsense down.

"I hear you faced similar challenges," Himoto said.

"Water under the bridge now."

If those people were already going after Lieutenant Himoto, they were probably also targeting Jace. Only his rank and the contacts he'd cultivated in Centcom's upper echelon would protect him somewhat.

He'd have to walk the straight and narrow for a time to avoid falling into any traps.

What that meant for Kira and her plans was the question.

Himoto's voice stopped Kira as she reached for the door of Jace's ready room. "My father told me you never believed the war was over."

Kira paused to look back at her. "Is that a question?"

"No question. Just a hope that the Phoenix's near future will be as glorious as her past."