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Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)(124)

Author:Chloe Walsh

His attention flicked to me and I watched as a flicker of recognition flashed in his blue eyes. “And it’s you.”

I frowned, knowing full well that I had never met this man before in my life. “What?”

“So, you went there anyway and threw your hat in the ring, Joe?” he mused, this time addressing my boyfriend. “Well, no one could accuse you of being fleeting.”

“Seriously.” I blinked in confusion. “What?”

“Never mind,” Darren replied with a shake of his head. “How are you feeling, Joey?”

“What are you doing here?” Joey replied, tone cold and hard. “What do you want?”

“Mam called me.”

“What do you mean she called you?”

“Listen, Joe, I know there’s a lot of—”

“What do you mean she called you, Darren?” he repeated, tone laced with venom. “What the fuck?”

“Back up,” I warned, taking a protective stance in front of my boyfriend when his brother moved to come closer. “Just back right up, buddy.”

“Aoife, you need to stay out of this.”

“How do you know her name?” Releasing my hand, Joey dragged himself into a sitting position, chest rising and falling quickly, as he glowered at his mother and brother like they were the enemy. “How the fuck does he know my girlfriend’s name?”

“I called him,” his mother strangled out, pressing a hand to her chest.

“You called him,” Joey deadpanned. “You just called him up? So, you had his number all along?" he choked out, trembling. "For the past five and a half years? You were in contact with him and never told me."

“Joey, listen to me—”

“Don’t fucking speak to me!” my boyfriend roared, pointing a finger at his long-lost brother. “Don’t fucking look at me.” Turning back to his mother, he hissed, "I understand why you couldn’t tell Dad, and I get why you didn’t tell the boys and Shannon. But me?” His lip wobbled and I felt my heart crack when he asked, “Why couldn’t you tell me?"

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Marie tried to explain, but Joe was having none of it.

“Shut the fuck up!” Hooking an arm around my waist, he pulled me closer, and I could feel just how badly his body was shaking. “Just get the fuck out. Both of you.”

“Joey, please—”

“You heard him,” I snapped, holding a hand out to warn his mother off. “Leave now.”

“You need to stay in your own lane here, Aoife,” Darren said, giving me a cool look. “I know you mean well, but this is a family matter.”

“Don’t fucking speak to her like that, asshole,” Joey was quick to jump to my defense. “She is my family.”

“Joey,” Marie sobbed. “I’m your mother.”

“And she’s the mother of my kid. So, don’t even think about pulling that card,” he sneered. “Because she wins. Every damn time.”

“Yeah.” Nodding vigorously, I folded my arms across my chest and gave his mam a ha look.

“This isn’t a pissing contest, ladies,” Darren drawled. “Can you please step out for a moment, while our mother has a word with her son?”

“Hell no I won’t step out,” I spat, feeling my hackles rise. “I’m the one who’s been sitting by his bedside since he was admitted. I’m the one down as his next of kin because not one of you assholes decided to show up. Where the hell were either one of you?”

“That’s not fair,” Marie wailed. “Shannon was…”

“Don’t talk to me about what’s fair,” I came close to screaming. “Look at his face.”

“Aoife, please.“

“Look at his face,” I repeated, voice rising right along with my temper. “Take a good fucking look, Marie. Because that’s your son.” Furious, I pointed to my boyfriend. "He’s just as much your child as Shannon or the boys or him.”

“I know he’s my child.”

“Then fucking act like it!” I hissed, narrowing my eyes in disgust. “Stop treating him like an afterthought. He’s not a fucking afterthought, okay? You can’t just show up here and lay down the law after not checking in on him once! It doesn’t work like that, and I won’t stand by and let you sink your twisted claws any deeper into him than you already have—”


“No, Joe, she needs to hear this.” Swallowing down a scream, I blinked away my temper tears and pointed a finger at his mother. “He’s the best damn thing that came out of your marriage and you’re too stupid to see it. He’s not your bodyguard. He’s not your bank account. He’s not your babysitter. He’s not your fucking husband. He’s your child. He’s your son!” Furious, I turned my glare on his brother. “And as for you? Well, I don’t really know you that well yet, but I’m feeling like this is a fuck you kind of moment. So, fuck you.”

“Are you quite finished your outburst?” the oldest Lynch asked calmly, arching a brow. “Because I’m not leaving until I speak to my brother in private.”

“Then I guess we’re all staying,” I shot back, unyielding.

“Molloy.” I felt Joey’s hand on my waist. “It’s okay.”

Feeling panicked, I swung around to look at him. “You don’t have to talk to them, Joe. Do you hear me? You don’t need to listen to another word she says.”

“It’s okay,” he whispered, giving my hip a reassuring squeeze. “Go home and get something to eat. I’ll be fine here.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m not going, Joe.”

“I’m going to have to talk to them at some stage.”

“But I—”

“It’s all good, baby. Just give me a few hours, okay? I’ll be fine.”

No, this wasn’t good at all.

This was all bad.

I didn’t want these people anywhere near him.

“Joe.” Chewing on my lip, I implored him with my eyes to not do this. “Are you sure?”

He didn’t look sure.

He didn’t look like he was in any fit state to handle these people.

Still, he nodded stiffly and released me.

“Fine. It’s three o clock now,” I squeezed out, briefly glancing at the screen of my phone before shoving it back in my pocket. “I’ll go home and have a shower and I’ll be back at six, okay?”

“Take your time,” he replied. “It’s all good.”

No, it wasn’t.

Everything inside of me screamed wrong, wrong, wrong.

But what could I do?

I couldn’t exactly force his mother and brother out of the hospital, and if Joey wanted to speak to them, then I couldn’t stop him.

Even if I really, really didn’t want him anywhere near these people.

“I love you,” I said, ignoring his family, as I leaned in close and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’ll be back.”