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Ryan Reign (New York Ruthless #4)(46)

Author:Sadie Kincaid

He bends and kisses my hand before he steps back into line.

揥e抮e not at the kissing part yet,?Aunt Em chides him good naturedly.

Finally Shane steps forward. He takes my hand and slides the fourth ring onto my finger. His hand is covering it and I don抰 see it until he has it secured in place, fitting perfectly against the first three. The final piece in the puzzle. It is a beautiful pink diamond. The three other stones are set slightly off center, allowing them to fit together seamlessly. But this one is larger, and in the center of the ring. Like the star on top of the Christmas tree. 揂nd a diamond for forever,?he says, his voice thick with emotion and I want to pull him into my arms and kiss him right now. I want to kiss all of them. To spend the rest of my life with any one of these men would make me happier than I had ever dreamed, but to share it with all four of them is beyond my wildest imaginings.

Of course this isn抰 a legal ceremony and our wedding won抰 be recognized by the state of New York, but we don抰 care. As Em told us, we are expressing our commitment to each other to the universe, and to Mother Nature herself.

揇o you have your rings, Jessie??Em asks as I stand there staring at the stunning jewelry these men have just placed on my finger. They are cut so that they seem like four pieces of the same ring, and that抯 so fitting, because these men are four pieces of the same heart. And they have captured mine completely.

揧es,?I stammer as I take the small velvet pouch from inside my dress. I open it and shake out the four platinum bands onto my hand. They are simple thick bands of precious metal, but each bear the same inscription.

We were written in the stars.

Chapter 51


It has been an incredible day, not that I had expected any less. I抳e heard plenty of people talk about their wedding day and how special it was, but I never thought I would experience one myself. I certainly didn抰 think I抎 be sharing it with the four hottest and most amazing men to ever walk this earth. Our honeymoon for now is a long weekend in our beautiful house on the lake, but we didn抰 want to be away from the city any longer because Aunt Em, Aoife and Noel, along with their four month old son, Archie, are visiting from Ireland and we don抰 want to be away from them for too long. We have two weeks in a villa in the Caribbean booked in a month抯 time, and I cannot wait for that, but in the meantime I am happy here with my boys.

We waved Em, Aoife and the boys off a few moments earlier. Shane did offer them the use of a couple of bedrooms for the night, seeing as we are only likely to be using one of them, but thankfully they politely declined.

Now it抯 just me and my four husbands. They chat amongst themselves and I busy myself clearing some of the glasses and plates we have used. Suddenly the room is quiet and when I look up I see the four of them staring at me, their eyes roaming over my body with such desire that I feel like my panties are about to melt off me.

揥hat is it??I whisper.

Mikey chews on his lip while the other three continue to stare at me.

揑 think we抮e all thinking the same thing, Jessie,?Shane growls.

揂nd what抯 that??I breathe.

揥hich one of us gets to be the first to fuck Mrs. Ryan,?he replies with a wicked glint in his eye.

Dear God!

揥e could let Jessie decide??Liam suggests.

揘o,?I shake my head. 揑 can抰 choose between the four of you.?

揌ow about we settle this like we used to when we were younger??Shane offers with a grin.

Conor frowns. 揥ith an arm wrestle??

揧ou got any better ideas??Shane shrugs as he starts to remove his suit jacket.

揊ine by me,?Mikey grins as he does the same and the next minute Conor and Liam are taking theirs off too.

揧ou抮e seriously going to arm wrestle to decide this??I fold my arms across my chest and glare at them.

Mikey winks at me. 揧es. And we know you think it抯 hot really, Red, having the four of us competing for you.?

The heat flooding my core confirms he抯 right. 揥ell, yeah. But I抦 worried this is going to get a little competitive.?

Conor sidles up to me, running his hand over my ass and planting a soft kiss on my shoulder. 揙h, it抯 about to get very fucking competitive, Angel,?he chuckles before he walks into the middle of the room and starts arranging the furniture with Mikey and Liam for their impromptu tournament.

揌ow about Liam and Mikey go first??Shane suggests.

揊ine by me,?Liam nods. 揑抣l get rid of my toughest competition first round before I deal with you two old timers.?

揧ou抮e pretty cocky for a kid who was taught everything you know by these two old timers,?Conor says with an arch of his eyebrows before he throws a sofa cushion at Liam抯 head.

揕et抯 just get down to business, eh??Mikey says as he takes a seat. Liam laughs as he takes a seat opposite him. Conor hovers beside them, making sure they are going to fight fair. I watch in twisted fascination as the two of them prepare to arm wrestle and I抦 so distracted that I hardly notice Shane isn抰 anywhere near his brothers but is now standing beside me. As Liam and Mikey grip each other抯 hands, he hoists me over his shoulder, making me yelp in surprise and then he runs out of the room and towards the stairway.

揝hane!?I half shriek, half laugh as he starts to take the stairs two at a time.

He slaps my ass and laughs to himself as his brothers start shouting after us. 揝hane! You cheating asshole!?I can hear the sound of furniture being pushed over and their feet on the wooden floor as they run after us. Shane runs into our bedroom and sets me down on my feet before he locks the door behind us. Then he turns to me with pure fire and lust in his eyes. 揟ake the dress off, sweetheart. Right now,?he growls as he steps towards me, backing me towards the bed.

I reach behind and undo the zip as he starts to undress too. 揧ou cheated.?I arch an eyebrow at him.

揑 play to win, sweetheart. By any means necessary.?

The sound of his brothers banging on the door distracts me and I look over his shoulder.

揙pen the fucking door, Shane!?Conor shouts.

揧ou fucking cheat!?Mikey adds while the three of them try and punch and kick their way through. The doors in this house are solid oak, but they are no match for three angry Ryans.

揧ou know that door won抰 hold out much longer??I say.

揑 know.?Shane laughs and the sound makes my heart flutter. His genuine, playful laugh is a sound not often heard and it is a beautiful thing. 揃ut I plan on being buried inside your hot cunt by the time they make it in here.?

He removes the rest of his clothes quickly. Just as I抦 stepping out of my dress and before I can even straighten up, he pushes me onto the bed and crawls over me, trailing kisses down my stomach as he pulls my panties down and over my legs. When he抯 taken them off completely, he rubs his nose along the folds of my pussy, inhaling deeply before he presses a soft kiss directly on my clit that makes me shudder. The low growl that rumbles in his throat vibrates through my body.

揝hane!?I pant as he moves up the bed and holds himself over me before pressing his hard cock against my entrance as his brothers go on trying to break the door down. 揧ou ready to be fucked, Mrs. Ryan??he breathes.

揋od, yes!?I groan just before he drives his cock into me. He takes my hands, entwining his fingers with mine as he pins them either side of my head. Then he seals his lips over mine, pushing his tongue inside my mouth as he nails me to the bed, and claiming me completely.

The sound of the door bursting open a few seconds later, distracts me temporarily and I glance up to see his brothers tumbling through it. They grumble and shout incoherently as they pull off their clothes. Knowing that my eyes are on his brothers, Shane drives even deeper and harder, making me groan into his mouth and give him my full attention.

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