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Say It's Forever (Redemption Hills #2)(25)

Author:A.L. Jackson

I grabbed a helmet, situated it on her head, my fingers quick as I fastened the strap.

Whole time, my attention was trapped on that face, not a chance I could look away.

Not when I swung my leg over my bike, hit the starter, and stretched out my hand.

In a beat of contemplation, she dropped her gaze before she accepted it.

It damned near sent me spiraling again.

The way something that was a cross of desire and devotion went zapping through my veins.

The way I wanted to wrap her up and never let her go.

I fought that thought.

Knew it was stupid.

That my heart was pushing against a line that couldn’t be uncrossed.

What I needed to focus on was the task of getting her home.

To escort her across this small mountain city, drop her at her door, and ensure she was safe.

Leave it at that.

Except Salem wrapped her arms around my waist and exhaled at the sensitive flesh on my neck. Right about the time she was pressing those ample tits that I was dying to get my hands on again against my back.

Need crashed.

Lust spiraled.

I forced myself to ease out of the garage bay. I closed it behind us before I carefully took to the road and headed in the direction of her house.

Rays of sunlight danced and drizzled over the soaring trees that hugged the road like a hedge of protection. They sent glittering orbs slanting through the branches and dappling through the leaves.

The road was lit up in golden glitter.

My body lit up, too.

Salem kept tightening her hold.

Her heart thundered at my back, a drumbeat of confusion that pounded through her spirit.



This uttering of hope that pulsed through her being and whispered in my ear.

I should ignore it.

Hell, I never should have even pushed for this, but I was the fool who was taking a left when I should have been taking a right.

I could feel her perplexity, the disquiet in the flinch of her arms, but before either of us could think better of it, I’d taken two more turns that led just out of town.

Slowing, I eased onto the familiar, earthy path that cut through a row of towering trees.

I came to a stop in the middle of the secluded meadow.

Its bed was covered in wild grasses and flowers. Purples and whites and pinks. The floor a bright, misty green. The scene was cast in an entrancing glow as those shimmery rays of receding light burned through the space.

I cut the engine. The only sound was our battering hearts and the babbling of the creek that flowed through.

“What is this place?” Salem whispered. Awe in her voice. Then it was twisting again. “What are we doing here?”

“I come here sometimes when I need to clear my head.” The admission rumbled out on the peaceful quiet. It was the truth, though I doubted much coming here was going to rid this girl from my thoughts.

With my boots planted on either side to keep us balanced, I glanced back at her. “You said we should talk, so let’s talk.”

Unsure, Salem blinked. “Jud, I—”

She yelped when I suddenly turned and took her by the waist. I pulled her around onto my lap so her legs were wrapped around me.

You know, all friendly like.

Just couldn’t fuckin’ help myself.

Surprised pants jutted from her mouth, and those eyes were doing wicked things as I unfastened her helmet and let it drop to the ground. Her hands curled into my shoulders. “Jud. What the hell?”

A grin quirked my mouth. “Sorry.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are clearly not sorry at all.”

She wiggled on my lap like she was gonna get free.

My dick stirred.

Salem bit down on her bottom lip and stilled and fuck…I wanted to kiss her all over again.

“I told you I needed to go home.”

There was some kind of pain lacing those whispered words, and a war went down inside me as I stared at her stunning face. I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “I know it, and we will, but I need to know one thing, Salem. Need to know if you’re in trouble? If you’re safe?”

I already was sure of the answer, but I needed her to confide it in me.

A million things played through her expression.




Then she pasted on a sexy smile. A valiant attempt at a distraction. “I’m just fine.”

My brow dented. “Wish you wouldn’t lie to me, darlin’。”

Her smile slipped, and she shifted her attention out over the beauty of the meadow.

Locks of thick, black hair whipped around her face.

My chest tightened, and I forced myself to keep my hands at her waist, my thumbs barely caressing her stomach, like I could coax her into giving me her truth.

Wishing she’d understand that she didn’t have to be alone.

She peeked back at me. “And I already told you not to ask that of me.”

She blinked through the emotion that writhed, lashes of her spirit flailing in the air.

She inhaled, then seemed to steel herself for whatever she was about to say. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Jud. Since the second I met you, you’ve been nothing but kind. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t shown up during that storm. But my life?”

For a moment, she slowed, gathering herself before her head barely shook and the pained words burned free. “It’s been a mess for a long time. More than a mess. It’s basic survival, and I’m barely holding it together.”

Torment swirled in the abyss of her eyes.

“Then let me hold some of it for you.”

“Jud…” It was a breath.

“Not sure I can turn a blind eye to whatever is goin’ on with you, Salem. Besides, that’s what friends are for, isn’t it?” With that, I let a grin spread to my mouth.

Salem wiggled again. “Friends, huh?”

I choked as she rubbed herself on my cock, then on a surprised chuckle, I was letting my arms curl around her so I could wrap her up in a hug.

I pressed my lips close to her ear. “Not gonna lie, Salem. Want to fuck you. Peel these clothes from this hot little body and lay you down in this meadow. Show you how insane you’ve been making me. Show you how beautiful you are. Show you how fuckin’ bad I want you. Make you come again and again.”

Shivers wracked her body, and her nails sank deeper into my shoulders. “Jud.”

“But I’m not sure that’s what you need right now,” I continued.

Peeling herself back, Salem met my eye. “You’re right, Jud. But the problem is, I don’t know what that is. What I need or what I want or if I can hope for it once I figure it out. I don’t even know if I’m staying or how long I’m going to be here.”

My guts revolted at that.

I forced down the riot of possession, the part of me that wanted to demand that she stay. I reached out and set my palm on her cheek.

“All I’m saying is I think I should be a part of whatever that is for however long I can be. I’m right here, darlin’。 All of us need someone on our side. Someone to lean on when times get tough.”

Her brow quirked. “As friends?”

I bucked my hips just a bit. “Is that all you’re gonna let me be?”

There I went.


Crossing those lines that kept getting blurred.

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