jotka—gap; middle; space.
juo—to drink.
juosz és el?sz—drink and live (greeting)。
juosz és olen ainaak sielamet jutta—drink and become one with me (greeting)。
juta—to go; to wander.
jüti—night; evening.
jutta—connected; fixed (adj.)。 To connect; to join; to fix; to bind (verb)。
k—suffix added after a noun ending in a vowel to make it plural.
kaca—male lover.
k?kt?—two; many.
k?kt?verit—mixed blood (literally: two bloods)。
kalma—corpse; death; grave.
ka?a—to call; to invite; to summon; to request; to beg.
ka?k—windpipe; Adam’s apple; throat.
karpatii ku k?d—liar.
Karpatiikunta—the Carpathian people.
ka?wa—to own.
kaδa—to abandon; to leave; to remain.
kaδa w?keva óv o k?d—stand fast against the dark (greeting)。
kat—house; family (noun)。
katt3—to move; to penetrate; to proceed.
keje—to cook; to burn; to sear.
kep?—lesser; small; easy; few.
kessa ku toro—wildcat.
kessake—little cat.
kidü—to wake up; to arise (intransitive verb)。
kim—to cover an entire object with some sort of covering.
kinn—out; outdoors; outside; without.
kinta—fog; mist; smoke.
kislány—little girl.
kislány h?n ku meke sarnaakmet—little mage.
kislány ku?enak—little lunatic.
kislány ku?enak minan—my little lunatic.
k?d—fog; mist; darkness; evil (noun)。 Foggy, dark; evil (adj.)。
k?d alte h?n—darkness curse it (Carpathian swear words)。
o k?d bels?—darkness take it (Carpathian swear words)。
k?d el?v? és k?d nime kutni nimet—evil lives and has a name.
k?d jutasz bels?—shadow take you (Carpathian swear words)。
koj—let; allow; decree; establish; order.
koje—man; husband; drone.
kola—to die.
kolasz arwa-arvoval—may you die with honor (greeting)。
kolatan—dead; departed.
koma—empty hand; bare hand; palm of the hand; hollow of the hand.
kond—all of a family’s or clan’s children.
kont—warrior; man.
kont o sívanak—strong heart (literally: heart of the warrior)。
kor3—basket; container made of birch bark.
kor3nat—containing; including.
ku—who; which; that; where; which; what.
ku?3ak!—stars! (exclamation)。
kudeje—descent; generation.
kuja—day; sun.
kule—to hear.
kulke—to go or to travel (on land or water)。
kulkesz arwa-arvoval, ek?m—walk with honor, my brother (greeting)。
kulkesz arwaval, joηesz arwa arvoval—go with glory, return with honor (greeting)。
kuly—intestinal worm; tapeworm; demon who possesses and devours souls.
küm—human male.
kumala—to sacrifice; to offer; to pray.
kumpa—wave (noun)。
kuńa—to lie as if asleep; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek; to die.
ku?e—moon; month.
kunta—band; clan; tribe; family; people; lineage; line.
kuras—sword; large knife.
kure—bind; tie.
ku?—worker; servant.
kutni—to be able to bear, carry, endure, stand or take.
kutnisz ainaak—long may you endure (greeting)。
kuulua—to belong; to hold.
lamti (or lamt3)—lowland; meadow; deep; depth.
lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem—the nether world (literally: the meadow of night, mists, and ghosts)。
lejkka—crack; fissure; split (noun)。 To cut; to hit; to strike forcefully (verb)。
lewl—spirit (noun)。
lewl ma—the other world (literally: spirit land)。 Lewl ma includes lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem: the nether world, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe, the Great Tree.
l?yly—breath; steam. (related to lewl: spirit)。