ej—not (adverb, suffix); nej when preceding syllable ends in a vowel.
ek—suffix added after a noun ending in a consonant to make it plural.
ek?m—my brother.
el?—to live.
el?sz arwa-arvoval—may you live with honor; live nobly (greeting)。
el?sz jel?bam ainaak—long may you live in the light (greeting)。
el?v? ainak majaknak—land of the living.
em?—mother (noun)。
Em? Maγe—Mother Nature.
embε—if; when.
embε karmasz—please.
emni—wife; woman.
emni h?n ku k?d alte—cursed woman.
emni ku?enak ku a??atotello—disobedient lunatic.
emnim—my wife; my woman.
en—great; many; big.
en h?n ku pes?—the protector (literally: the great protector)。
en Karpatii—the prince (literally: the great Carpathian)。
én jutta félet és ek?met—I greet a friend and brother (greeting)。
én maγenak—I am of the earth.
én oma maγeka—I am as old as time (literally: as old as the earth)。
En Puwe—The Great Tree. Related to the legends of Ygddrasil, the axis mundi, Mount Meru, heaven and hell, etc.
engem—of me.
ete—before; in front of.
fáz—to feel cold or chilly.
fél—fellow; friend.
fél ku kuuluaak sívam bels?—beloved.
fél ku vigyázak—dear one.
fertiil—fertile one.
fü—herbs; grass.
g?idno—road; way.
gond—care; worry; love (noun)。
h?n—he; she; it; one.
h?n agba—it is so.
h?n ku—prefix: one who; he who; that which.
h?n ku agba—truth.
h?n ku ka?wa o numamet—sky-owner.
h?n ku kuula siela—keeper of his soul.
h?n ku kuulua sívamet—keeper of my heart.
h?n ku lejkka w?ke-sarnat—traitor.
h?n ku meke pir?met—defender.
h?n ku meke sarnaakmet—mage.
h?n ku pes?—protector.
h?n ku pes? sieladet—guardian of your soul.
h?n ku pes?k kaikak—guardians of all.
h?n ku piwt?—predator; hunter; tracker.
h?n ku pusm—healer.
h?n ku saa ku?3aket—star-reacher.
h?n ku tappa—killer; violent person (noun)。 Deadly; violent (adj.)。
h?n ku tuulmahl elidet—vampire (literally: life-stealer)。
h?n ku vie elidet—vampire (literally: thief of life)。
h?n ku vigyáz sielamet—keeper of my soul.
h?n ku vigyáz sívamet és sielamet—keeper of my heart and soul.
h?n sívamak—beloved.
h?ngem—him; her; it.
hany—clod; lump of earth.
hisz—to believe; to trust.
ila—to shine.
inan—mine; my own (endearment)。
irgalom—compassion; pity; mercy.
is?—father (noun)。
is?nt?—master of the house.
jaka—to cut; to divide; to separate.
jakam—wound; cut; injury.
jama—to be sick, infected, wounded or dying; to be near death.
jamatan—fallen; wounded; near death.
jel?—sunlight; day, sun; light.
jel? keje terád—light sear you (Carpathian swear words)。
o jel? peje kaik h?nkanak—sun scorch them all (Carpathian swear words)。
o jel? peje emnimet—sun scorch the woman (Carpathian swear words)。
o jel? peje terád—sun scorch you (Carpathian swear words)。
o jel? peje terád, emni—sun scorch you, woman (Carpathian swear words)。
o jel? sielamak—light of my soul.
joma—to be under way; to go.
joηe—to come; to return.
joηesz arwa-arvoval—return with honor (greeting)。
jo?esz ént?lem, fél ku kuuluaak sívam bels?—come to me, beloved.
j?rem—to forget; to lose one’s way; to make a mistake.