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Heartless Sky(Zodiac Academy #7)(132)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Oceanis Deason: Oh my stars, I’ll take a spangly wangle all day and night, but the size of that unadorned leviathon is making my waters tingle #whychoose #sparklecock #hardandlongisneverwrong

Bianca Movileanu: Is that a peenasaurus rex I see? Perhaps it would like to come plunder my treasure trove to find the missing gold? #tojeweliscool #studsforthestud

Stephen Mulgrew: I’m all for a simple peen, and that mammoth of a man marrow is something else! #keepthepeenclean #letmeseethoseveinsofglory

Justin Battles: I need some gleam on my peen #glitterisfitter #jazzyjizzer

Telisha Mortensen: So long as it’s hairy this munching Mindy is always down #thehairierthebetter #everymanhoodneedsamane

Lucy Burfoot: Oh my stars! I have a #glammerpuss that could match your #lustrouslovestick if you want some inspiration for a dijazzle, Xavier! #razzledazzlethatD #gilditdontgeldit

I barked a laugh as Caleb started chuckling in my ear and I turned my head, finding him so close to me it made me ache. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat as he met my gaze for a second and I realised how wholly, desperately in love with him I was as his dark blue eyes swallowed me up.

“If you were going to deepthroat one of those bad boys which would you pick?” I asked him super subtly.

Cal frowned as he looked at the images again before shaking his head. “Between my best friend’s baby brother or risking my life through choking to death on a loose dick gem? Pass,” he replied with a laugh and I huffed because he hadn’t outright objected to the D just these particular Ds, but what if there was another D in the mix? What then??

I considered taking a dick pic and sending it to him, but even my drunk brain could see that that was a little much, so I let the idea go along with my hopes and dreams for finding an answer to that question. Unless I challenged every guy in the room to a ‘who has the best cock’ competition and made Cal judge it. But what if I didn’t win? No, I couldn’t do it to myself. Not when I was going up against Darius’s talented mega dong and Orion’s jumbo secret sausage which I heard was so gifted it granted wishes. And then there was Max’s Siren slammer that could probably turn on everyone in this room the moment you looked it in the eye. Dammit, there had to be a better way.

Caleb sat back in his seat, falling into a conversation with Max as I continued to steal glances at him. And when his hand dropped to his side and brushed my leg, I swear a thousand bolts of electricity awoke every nerve ending in my body. He didn’t move it either, his fingers barely touching me and yet I could feel them as if he was dragging them over every square inch of my skin. And I realised how hopelessly fucked I was. Because I’d fallen too deep, too fast, and now there was no going back. I was on a collision course with Caleb Altair, and I feared what was going to happen if I ever let a word of this slip out. Because I was sure it would equal our absolute ruin.

I strode down the long corridor in the FIB interrogation suite with agents trailing at my spine and an air of cautious respect surrounding me which I had to admit I liked the taste of.

Too long had these rebels thwarted me. Too long had I been playing cat and mouse in a game where the mice found hiding all too easy. Too long had I suffered the intolerable taste of failure upon my tongue. But at last, that was over.

Agent Hoskins kept his head bowed respectfully as he led me to the room where the prisoner was being held and pulled the door wide for me. I stepped through without a word, Vard close on my heels with his black cloak sweeping the floor behind him.

“This is her?” Vard questioned, taking in the bloody, broken woman who sat with her hands cuffed at her spine - likely the only thing keeping her upright on the chair.

“I want every filthy rebel secret torn from her mind before the execution.”

“Yes, My King,” Vard simpered, licking his pale lips as his red shadow eye swirled with darkness in its socket and he drew his hood down to reveal his lank hair.

The woman whimpered and I was torn between a sneer and a smile as she lifted her terrified gaze to meet mine.

I moved to perch my ass on the edge of the interrogation table before her as Vard took the empty chair intended for an investigating officer and sat before her, watching, waiting, ready to strike on my command.

I took my Atlas from my pocket and opened the most recent article this woman had published about me, a thrill dancing through my veins at finally cornering this thorn in my side and knowing I would be tugging it free permanently before the day was done.

“The Rise of the False King,” I read, anger bubbling beneath the surface of my skin as my fire magic licked a path around my body. "By Felicity Corbin.”