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Heartless Sky(Zodiac Academy #7)(268)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

“Portia,” I snarled, smoke spilling from my nostrils as the crowd cooed at my giant appendage, and I would be more than glad for the video to end there, but it did not.

The younger me was about to shift when vines shot out of the crowd from Hail’s hands, pinning me down and magic washed over me as he stripped the illusion from my penis, showing its true size while casting a magnifying spell before my cock so it could be seen by everyone in the crowd and Tiberius lit it up with Faelights. Hail burst out laughing along with the crowd and the young version of me screamed as I thrashed against the vines and managed to burn them away to dust, grabbing my boxers and pulling them on.

“Definitely not as big as Radcliff,” Hail called, those words echoing on in my mind eternally.

I felt the shame of that day washing over me, the sheer embarrassment as Hail roared a laugh and ran forward to clap me on the shoulder like it was all some game.

“Oh don’t be lame, Lionel,” he sighed as he took in my rage and those words sent a ripple of blazing heat up my back.

“Lame Lionel!” Tiberius laughed as he leapt up beside the young version of me. “Isn’t that what Rad used to call you?”

The students all took up the chant, calling it out over and over and I snapped, throwing my palms into Hail’s chest and making him stagger back as I left burning marks in his shirt.

“It was just a joke between friends,” Hail said, healing the burns like they didn’t bother him at all. “You burned off all my hair last week. This is payback.”

The young version of me seethed, staring at this motherfucker who dared toy with me, and I recalled deciding in that moment that if he thought we were friends, then I would be the best friend he had ever had. I would get closer and closer to him until I could drive a knife into his back and watch him scream for me.

Laughter echoed through the theatre and I snapped out of the horrified reverie I was in, dragged into reality where my nightmare was coming to life again before my eyes. The crowd were laughing, crying out Lame Lionel over and over again and Portia clapped along like it was a fun little fucking ditty.

“ENOUGH!” I roared a Dragon’s roar, my voice resounding through the entire theatre until everyone in the room fell deathly quiet and stared at me in shock.

I realised I was on my feet and I rounded on Portia as she stared at me with a little fear in her eyes. But no, this wasn’t right. I was live on TV. I was not a monster in the public eye. I was a composed, highly regarded Dragon who commanded the respect of everyone in the kingdom.

I laughed a little tightly, the sound forced as I tried to keep myself together. “Perhaps we can move on?” I suggested, sinking back down into my seat, trying to work out my best angle here. “Those times are somewhat sensitive. Forgive my outburst. I grieve Hail daily so I can get a little emotional recounting our friendship.”

“Of course,” Portia said, bowing her head. “Apologies, your highness. We only wanted to show things weren’t always rosy between you and the other Councillors, and perhaps this shows a hint of the Savage King’s savagery too.”

I felt she was trying to cool my temper, feeding me what I wanted to hear, but it worked regardless, helping me find my composure as I played it off, pushing a hand into my hair and smiling roguishly.

“Ah, yes. He could be savage indeed. This was nothing, I saw many cruelties dealt by his hand. And of course, to place a shrinking potion on my penis in front of everyone was in fact one of his more light-hearted jests.” That ought to squash any rumours of my cock’s size. It wasn’t small anyway, I was just a very large man so it seemed that way at first glance.

Portia encouraged me to start recounting more stories and I made up lie after lie on the spot of Hail bullying students at Zodiac Academy, sometimes offering my own truths and attaching his name to it instead, and soon I was feeling much better again as more videos were played of me taking charge of the Dragon Guild, of attending parties with famous Fae and of my marriage to the most beautiful woman in the land, Catalina Nightbell. Of course, the wedding footage held a bitter taste to it now as I thought of her fucking that rebel, Grus. But I would soon return her to our marital bed and remind her of exactly who she belonged to. It was only a matter of time.

“As thanks for all you have done for the Dragons of the Guild, they have put together a very special surprise for you tonight,” Portia announced excitedly and I perked up at that.

“Oh?” I inquired. I wondered if they would gift me some grand treasures, a golden statue of me perhaps?