42“mutilation of helpless”: Criticism of Dr. R. Maurice Bucke of the London Asylum, Ontario, Canada, quoted in “The Hysterical Female,” Restoring Perspective: Life and Treatment at the London Asylum, https://www.lib.uwo.ca/archives/virtualexhibits/londonasylum/hysteria.html.
43“emotional disorder”: Sheehan, “Victorian Clitoridectomy,” 333.
44“tincture of veratria”: Dr. McIlhenny, in “Proceedings of the Twelfth,” 98.
45“for the purpose”: Dr. Earle, ibid., 99.
46“singular sensation”: Ibid.
47“boisterous”: Dr. Bemis, in “Proceedings of the Thirteenth,” 94.
48“not only temporarily”: Dr. Athon, in “Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the AMSAII,” AJOI 16 (July 1859): 50.
49“I use it”: Dr. Hills, in “Proceedings of the Thirteenth,” 93.
50“to prevent its”: “Eighth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, and Treasurer of the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville: December 1862,” Reports of the Illinois, 334.
51“deaf adder”: EP repeatedly uses this as a metaphor for AM, including PHL, 112 and 262.
52“It is too”: EP, “My Reproof,” MP1, 129.
53“His word could”: EP, PHL, 77.
1“Mrs. Packard, who”: AM, quoted by EP, MPE, 89.
2“Every means possible”: EP, PHL, 197.
3“injurious”: AM, in “Eighth Biennial Report,” 359.
4“let [them] alone”: Ibid., 358.
5“sterling commandment”: Ibid.
6“immediately destroyed”: S. A. Kain (Susan Kane), letter to the governor, January 1866, reproduced in both the State Register and MP2, 223.
7“the sense of”: EP, GD, 4:164.
8“It [is] hard”: Ibid., 4:193.
9“the dominant and”: AM, “Attendants in Institutions,” 53.
10“with feelings of”: System of Regulations for the State Lunatic Hospital, Worcester, Mass. (Worcester, MA, 1839), 7, quoted in Gerald N. Grob, The State and the Mentally Ill: A History of Worcester State Hospital in Massachusetts, 1830–1920 (Durham: University of North Carolina Press, 1966), 66.
11“his judgment is”: EP quoting AM’s words, PHL, 143.
12“shape [their] manner”: AM, “Attendants in Institutions,” 53.
13“The superior”: Ibid.
14“modify his thoughts”: Review of Moral Medicine in the Treatment of Nervous Diseases by Atde. Padioleau, AJOI 21 (July 1864): 160.
15“benignant Prospero”: AM, “Attendants in Institutions,” 53.
16“elevated by his”: Ibid.
17“laying on of”: EP, PHL, 78.
18“large numbers of”: AM, in “Seventh Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, and Treasurer of the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville: December 1860,” Reports of the Illinois, 318.
19“Is such ease”: EP, GD, 4:28.
20“that I should”: Ibid., 4:29.
21“dark corner”: Ibid., 4:42.
22“all by ourselves”: Ibid.
23“I will see”: AM, quoted by EP, PHL, 79–80.
24“Dr. McFarland didn’t force”: EP, GD, 4:66.
25“a mere impulsive”: EP, PHL, 80.
26“Dr. McFarland”: Ibid.
27“stepping-stone to”: EP, MK, 66.
28“imperative necessity”: Ibid., 61.
29“The Doctor orders”: Attendants, quoted by EP, ibid., 59.
30“If the doctor”: EP, GD, 4:37.
31“all reasonable time”: EP, “A Defense,” TE, 93.
32“intelligently and knowingly”: Ibid.
33“I will not”: EP, “My Reproof,” MP1, 131 [italics added].
34“championship of”: EP, MK, 65.
35“[You have] no”: EP, PHL, 89.
36“Mrs. Packard”: Ibid.
37“manly protector”: Repeated references throughout EP’s books, including EP, MK, 95.
38“I therefore shall”: EP, “A Defense,” TE, 117.
39“on simple hearsay”: EP, PHL, 80–81.
40“The Approaching Revolution”: New York Herald, October 26, 1860, reproduced in Jacksonville Sentinel, November 9, 1860.
1“I, your sane”: EP, “A Defense,” TE, 93–95.
2“I am a”: Ibid., 109.