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The Words(195)

Author:Ashley Jade & A. Jade

“She’s an amazing singer, right? Almost like she was the one who was meant to sing that song.”

The crowd cheers, but I freeze.

Oh god.

The realization of what he’s about to do slams into me like a Category 5 hurricane.

I quickly turn back around. “Phoenix!” When he looks at me, I shake my head and mouth, ‘No.’

He doesn’t have to do this.

I don’t want him to do this. Not anymore.

This could very well ruin his career. Vic might drop him from the label.

He’ll be canceled and branded a thief. A has-been.

His phenomenal talent—his gift—will be nothing but a punch line.

Stealing my song was a terrible thing to do, but he doesn’t need to destroy his dream over it. He can’t.

He’s the sun. He needs to keep shining.

Phoenix turns his attention back to the crowd.

I sprint across the stage, desperate to stop him…but it’s too late.

“That’s because she’s the one who wrote it.” He blows out a heavy breath. “And I stole it.”

Silence falls over the entire stadium…with the exception of Chandler who’s screaming his head off in the wings, and a few people in the audience who call out things like, “Are you taking the piss right now, mate?” and, “Bloody hell.”

Phoenix cocks his head, his intense gaze holding me captive. “Four years ago, I had to choose between all of this and you.” Emotion slices his face, and he drops the mic. “I made the wrong choice.”

My heart stops cold and time stands still.

He didn’t have to write those three words on my skin, because right now I feel them.

However, I won’t let him destroy everything he’s ever wanted—everything he is—just to be with me.

I won’t let him break himself like he broke me.

My feet move on their own accord, and I head backstage.

I have to figure out a way to fix this. I’ll need to sit down with Skylar, so we can come up with a plan to save his career.

Skylar’s expression is full of alarm when I reach her, but her attention is solely fixated on something behind me.

I barely have time to register that Phoenix is following me before a mob of people rush over and swarm him.

“What the fuck?” Chandler bellows.

Skylar points a finger at him. “Shut up.” Her eyes swivel to Storm and Memphis, who are noticeably livid. “No one say a single fucking word to anyone until I figure this shit out. Got it?” Her glare centers on Phoenix. “Greenroom. Right now.”

It suddenly occurs to me that Phoenix didn’t just screw himself…he screwed the people he considers his family.

Phoenix looks around the backstage area, but the moment his gaze lands on me, Skylar and Chandler usher him into the greenroom.

“Goddammit,” Chandler snaps, gesturing to his cell. “Vic’s already calling.”

And then the door slams shut.

I don’t know what I can do, but there has to be something.

I make a mad dash for the greenroom, but there’s a sharp tug on my arm.

When I glance up, I find Storm peering down at me. He looks so appalled—so upset—I want to wrap my arms around him.

“I didn’t know he stole your song.”

“I know—”

The sound of my phone ringing cuts me off.

I raise a finger when I see Mrs. Palma’s name flash across the screen. “One sec. I have to take this.”

For all I know, she might have gotten wind of what Phoenix did given how fast news gets around on social media.

After pressing the green button, I bring it to my ear. “Hey. I guess you he—”

“Lennon, honey,” she interjects, her quavering voice filled with dread.

My heart stops cold for the second time in ten minutes. “What’s wrong?”

Storm—who was about to walk away—stays put.

“Your dad…he had a stroke about twenty minutes ago. I called an ambulance and we’re here at the hospital.” Her voice cracks. “It…you need to come home right away.”

Blood drains from my face and the fear I felt before is nothing compared to right now.

“What happened?” Storm questions as I disconnect the call.

“My dad…I. He’s…hospital.” I can’t form cohesive thoughts or sentences. The only thing I know is that I have to get to him as soon as possible.

I brush past him, running as fast as I can out the door.



The steady hum of machines filter throughout the small hospital room and every time I hear one beep, my head snaps up.