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Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(48)

Author:Tessa Bailey

揧es,?she moaned, curling around Jasper as he advanced toward the stairs, still impaled on his dick. There was a mirror at the top of his staircase, and something about the way he could see her dangling feet vibrate every time he took a step made him hot beyond words. Almost hot enough to drop down into the top step and fuck, fuck, fuck until they were both shaking and screaming. 揚lease, hurry,?she said near his ear. 揑抦 dying. I抦 not going to make it.?

揧ou will,?Jasper returned through clenched teeth. As soon as they cleared the door frame to his bedroom, Rita was flat on her back on the bed, Jasper covering as much of her body as he could. Arms wrapped beneath her shoulders, stomachs flush. Not able to get close enough. With a powerful need to feel the orgasm move through her body, Jasper fastened their mouths together and worked himself into Rita, again and again, groaning over the feel of her heels buried in his lower back, digging his own heels into the bed so he could fuck her as hard as humanly possible. 揋o on, Rita. Give me that come. Give it to me in my bed. Mess up my sheets like you抳e messed me up.?

Dammit, the anger in his voice had no place between them. There was room for nothing between them. Nothing. But he couldn抰 rein it in, couldn抰 stop the overflow. Tears were rolling down her temples, from regret or arousal, but her body urged him on. Begged his body to use hers. Her fingernails broke the skin of his ass as he pumped, her pussy starting to quake, and Jasper kissed her through the storm, guiding her safely to the other side, asking for her to do the same.

揜ita. My God, Rita.?He tucked his sweating forehead into her neck and rocked himself into her perfection one final time, letting go with a muffled roar. It should have been enough to clear him from the downpour, but all the same obstacles remained on the other side, urging Jasper to gather her body close and hope they disappeared. 揑 guess匢 guess we抣l make love on the next try, huh??

His attempt at humor didn抰 ease the tension in Rita抯 shoulders any, nor in his. But she didn抰 leave. She didn抰 leave. She allowed Jasper to tuck her into the safety of his body, falling asleep shortly after. Jasper was the only one left awake to hear the timer go off on the oven downstairs.


Chapter Thirty-One

Rita was unsettled. Everything was unsettled. Her stomach housed an army of nerves so rowdy they were leaving little footprints wherever they trampled. Looking back at the last twenty-four hours, the revelations from her siblings and herself, the all-night, mind-blowing sexual awakening, she should have been exhilarated. Relieved. Definitely not stressed, being that she抎 lost count of her orgasms somewhere around eight. But the man she抎 gone to sleep beside, the man who抎 acted as her second set of hands while making a souffl? That was not the stiff, quiet man who抎 just dropped her off outside the motel on his way to the Liquor Hole.

Of course, when Rita walked into the room, Peggy greeted her like a college roommate does after a kegger. Big, speculative eyes and a knowing grin. Although, to be fair, that was the expression Peggy usually wore. Whatever she saw in Rita抯 face caused some of her enthusiasm to slip, however. 揝age is trying to read and I was distracting her, so I抦 heading Aaron抯 way to check on his tooth. You want to walk with me??

Until yesterday, Rita would have avoided Aaron like the Black Death, but things were different now. They抎 both admitted to being fuckups, putting them on even footing for the first time in梖orever. And, honestly, she didn抰 feel like avoiding much of anything, anymore. 揙kay, sure.?

Rita tossed her purse onto the bed and followed her sister out of the room. 揥hy does Aaron need his tooth checked? Isn抰 that something he can do himself??

Peggy combed slim fingers through her curls. 揌e抯 refusing to take the unmanly painkillers, so I抳e been crushing them up and hiding them in his food. Like a good sister.?She wrinkled her nose at Rita while locking the motel-room door. 揧ou抮e not behaving like a woman who spent the night getting the bejeezus boned out of her.?

揥here do you come up with this stuff??Rita hedged, following Peggy down the path. Having no desire whatsoever to describe the blurred line that had formed overnight between her and Jasper, she intended to leave the conversation there. Until she remembered Peggy抯 attempts to talk梐ctually talk梩o her on their first night in Hurley. How Rita had basically blown her off. How hard could it be to make a small effort, especially when Peggy had helped unburden all of them by forcing the trust exercise? 揌ow does one usually behave when they抳e had the bejeezus boned out of them??

揌mm.?Peggy visibly tried to hide her grin, but white blasted across her face when her lips surrendered the fight. 揟here抯 usually some gloating. I could really go for some gloating.?

揋loating.?Rita drummed her index finger against her lips. 揑 think towards the end, I bypassed Jesus and actually glimpsed the three wise men.?

揙h, no fair.?The words traveled out of Peggy抯 mouth on a giggle. 揑抳e only had three-wise-men sex once.?

揥ell, it is the trickiest kind of sex, due to the wise men being very barn-animal adjacent. You don抰 want to go quite that far.?

Holy shit. Who knew it would feel so awesome to make her little sister laugh? Watching Peggy bend at the waist and let loose the musical sound, she could see Peggy at age nine, laughing exactly the same way on her towel at the community pool.

I think I might leave Jasper worse off than when I arrived. She wanted to say the words out loud, to see if Peggy抯 reaction mirrored her own horror at the thought. But saying it out loud might make the possibility real. So she simply allowed the words to continue ricocheting around her head. I should have stayed away from him when he told me his issue with women leaving. I was selfish and when I drive away he won抰 be reachable to anyone else. Maybe ever.

揑抦 thinking of staying in New York,?Peggy said suddenly. 揥hen we get there. I抦 thinking I could spend some time applying to the major department stores. What personal shopper wouldn抰 want to work in Saks or Bloomingdale抯 or Barneys梐m I right??

Peggy was rambling, meaning she was nervous. More nervous than the news warranted, although it was still a big bombshell. 揙kay. That抯 a pretty huge move. When did you棓

揑 was thinking we could do it together. You know??Peggy shadowboxed the air. 揟wo sisters, making it in the big city. Laverne and Shirley with better hair. And hopefully some hotter neighbors.?

Shock struck Rita in the belly, robbing her of speech. Now more than ever, Rita was convinced her mother had had an ulterior motive when she抎 made the final wish. The four of them had already begun to drift apart when Miriam got sick, and although their mother made a practice of staying out of her children抯 business, it wouldn抰 have escaped her notice when they stopped having even the obligatory holiday brunch at Wayfare. Less than a week out of San Diego and her siblings had become less of a mystery. But they were still complicated riddles she hadn抰 begun to decipher. Miriam might have forced them into this situation, but she抎 done it for a reason.

So why was Rita hesitating? An image of their imaginary apartment rolled to the front of her mind. Half pink, frilly pandemonium. Half dark and eclectic. Loud pop music that Rita would be forced to drown out with Black Sabbath. It would be a nightmare. It would be梩he chance of a lifetime to get closer to the sister she barely knew. To find out why Peggy梩he type of woman any man would want to nail down梬as carrying a torch for one who apparently didn抰 want her in return.

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