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Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons #1)(51)

Author:Tessa Bailey

揙kay, well.?She tucked a few strands of stray dark hair behind her ear. 揑 looked over the menu your chef planned on using and offered a few suggestions. I hope that抯 okay.?

揇on抰 use that professional tone with me, Rita Clarkson.?

Her flush deepened. 揑 don抰 mean to.?She used the paper to fan herself. 揧ou were so different this morning. I wasn抰 sure I should still come.?

Lord, she might as well have fired a round of bullets into his stomach. Had she misinterpreted his silence for checking out early? 揑 can抰 even imagine you not being here.?He advanced toward her. 揜ead me the specials.?

She traded glances between his approaching body and the menu, as if unsure whether she should proceed. 揢m.?Her voice wobbled. 揟here were some great items. I just added some spice, I guess you could say. The strip steak is already on the main menu, but I thought as a special, we could encrust it with blue cheese. Serve it with baby spinach and厰

Jasper rested his hands on either side of her hips, tracing the curve of her neck with greedy lips. 揔eep going.?

揔eep??Her head fell to the right and Jasper pressed his advantage, raking the sensitive skin with his teeth. 揋oing??

揧es, keep going,?he breathed, punctuating his words with a soft bite.

It took a few minutes for Rita to continue, her breasts puffing up and down beneath her white tank top. 揊ried Kobe meatballs卻erved with spicy mayonnaise. Th-they梬e梘lazed them with teriyaki sauce.?

揧ou抮e making me hungry, beautiful.?

揗aybe I should stop.?


揙h, God. Okay.?Her exhale washed over him. 揟he chef had a shrimp cocktail on the specials menu, but I-I think that should be on the regular appetizer list. A buffalo-shrimp po?boy for the specials menu, though. Ohhhh, what are you doing now??

Jasper smiled against her neck. 揓ust unhooking your bra for a little while.?The snap made them both moan a little. 揟hat okay with you??She nodded without hesitation, giving Jasper the green light to slide his hands around front and palm the two sweetest tits he抎 ever held. 揂nything else you want to tell me about the menu, Rita??

God, her panting breaths were sexy as all get out. 揑-I did a little research and found a fish market not too far from here. They抮e willing to deliver, but I just took a drive and picked up some bluepoint oysters棓

揥hat??Cement bags piled on top of Jasper抯 shoulders. 揧ou drove somewhere??

Golden-brown eyes, still a little lust-fogged lifted to his. 揓ust a few towns over,?she murmured. 揟he Suburban is fixed now.?

The room tilted around Jasper. 揑 knew that. I knew.?Fuck, he had no control over his mouth or his pulse. The latter sped up so fast his head felt like it might float off. If he reacted this way to Rita leaving and coming back, how the hell would he cope with her never returning? Not good. Really fucking bad. Catastrophically. 揝tay, Rita.?

She stared at his mouth, as if the words were painted there. 揥hat??

揝tay in Hurley, Rita. Don抰 leave me.?His hands skated down from her breasts to enfold her waist, shaking her body on the desk. 揝it here every day and read me the specials menu. This place桞uried Treasure梚t became half yours when you walked inside, and we both knew it.?

揓asper,?she whispered, sounding out of breath. 揑 don抰棓

揚lease, just don抰 act surprised. I won抰 be able to stand it.?His mouth fell to hers, kissing, kissing, like a man mouthing a furious prayer. 揧ou can抰 be surprised when the last few days have given me life. Act upset or happy or storm out. But I can抰 handle surprised, like maybe you didn抰 even consider me for a second.?

揑抳e considered you,?she sobbed. 揙f course I have. Just stop talking like that for a second, stop stealing my breath when I抦 trying to catch it.?

揘o.?He pressed their foreheads together. 揑 don抰 want you to catch it. I want it to stay lost and I want to be the man who steals it. All day, every day. Forever. Stay with me right here.?

揑 want to say yes,?Rita said with her eyes closed. 揑t抯 crazy after only three days to梩o toss everything aside and start a new life. And I still want to say yes. But somewhere over time, I lost my family and I抦 just starting to get them back. They匢 think they need me. I think we need each other. I don抰 know if I can just say good-bye when we抮e on this road I never expected.?

Jasper found her so achingly gorgeous in that moment with honesty pushing at all her seams and tears falling down her cheeks. How could something so beautiful rip his soul out and stomp on it, even if it wasn抰 on purpose?

揑 lost myself in the kitchen.?She shook her head. 揥hat if I lost myself in this one, too??

揑 wouldn抰 let you.?


揧ou don抰 have to work the kitchen,?he rushed to say, even though it stung. 揧ou don抰 have to work here at all.?

Rita only looked saddened by his words. 揟hen I抎 be denying this place. This place you already adore, whether you know it or not.?She glanced down. 揌ow can I set them on this journey and desert them? How can I burn down my mother抯 life抯 work and disregard her final wish? I抎 be a terrible person. I wouldn抰 be the person you棓

揝ay it.?He gathered her hair in two fists and spoke right against her forehead. 揝ay it. You know how I feel about you. Say the words.?

Rita shook her head, lips clamped together. 揕et me think. Give me a secon棓

揘o,?Jasper growled, ripping the white tank top over her head. For a breathless beat of time, they ran eyes over one another. Confused, aching, heartsick eyes. And then Rita surged off the desk, pushing Jasper back into the armless office chair facing his desk. While Rita made quick work of her pants and slinky little underwear, Jasper unfastened his jeans, taking out his cock. 揅ome on, then. You won抰 say the words, do the deed. Use that body that makes me fucking crazy and show me what we already know.?

Hurt clouded her expression, but their need was too thick in the air, the pull too strong, and they both had to feel it. Rita straddled Jasper抯 lap, taking his hand and pressing it over her mouth. A safety measure against the scream that ripped past her lips as she sank down onto his ready cock. 揙h my God,?came the muffled words, branding his palm. 揓asper. Oh, God.?

Maybe someone should have covered his mouth, too, because hell if he didn抰 almost curse the walls down. How many times had they abused one another抯 bodies last night and still梥till梙e might as well have been living like a monk for ten years, the way his cock hurt. 揑f this is going to be good-bye, Rita, you better make it count.?He gave her tight bottom a slap. 揃ut remember, I抦 already going to be desperate for you the second this ends. I抣l spend my whole life this way. Desperate and dying for Rita. In my bed, in my house, riding my dick. All of it. All of you.?

揝top, please, stop,?Rita demanded, wrapping her arms around his head, giving his mouth perfect access to her tits, which he sucked out of pure necessity. Her hips were a thing of magic, bucking and rolling, knowing when he needed easy to rein in his impending release, knowing when he wanted a few rough bounces. 揝o good,?she breathed, already beginning to shudder, her teeth chattering.

Jasper抯 mouth moved over every inch of Rita抯 skin, tasting, trying to memorize the feel of life pulsing beneath her flesh, tucking her scent into his memory bank and locking it away. 揑t抯 so good because I love you, Rita,?Jasper confessed through stiff lips. 揑t抯 good because you love me back. Fuck the amount of time it took. When it抯 right, it抯 right. We抮e above time.?

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