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Sincerely, Your Inconvenient Wife (The Harder They Fall, #2)(61)

Author:Julia Wolf

I slid in next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and squeezing. “Well, you look absolutely gorgeous, if that makes you feel any better.”

She knocked her head against my shoulder and grinned. “Coming from my gorgeous sister-in-law, it does indeed. Although, I rue the day I have to see you walking around glowing and pregnant. You’re so tall, I bet your bump will be tiny, and I’ll seethe with jealousy. I just know it.”

When I didn’t laugh, Clara turned her sharp eyes on me. I gave her the warmest smile I could muster.

I hated lying any more than I had to, so I answered carefully. “I’m not sure when that will happen.”

Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, look at me, speaking out of turn. It’s this baby in me, sucking my brains out. Before this, I never would have presumed a woman had plans to become a mother. Forgive me?”

“Of course I forgive you. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Flustered, I made myself busy pouring a cup of coffee. Miles would be here soon to start our workday. We had a meeting with Kenji, so I needed to grab breakfast before everything started rolling.

Then I remembered how worried Luca was about his sister. She hadn’t been receptive to him prying into her marriage, but maybe she’d talk to me.

“Will you be here again tonight?” I was going for casual, peering at her over my steaming coffee.

Clara leaned her hip on the counter. “If it’s okay, I’d like to stay another night.”

“You don’t have to ask, Clara. We talked about it last night and agreed how much we like having you here.”

Her brow winged. “My brother doesn’t mind me intruding on his newly wedded bliss?”

I laughed. “He really doesn’t.” I set my mug on the counter and opened a box of granola. “Do you think Miller would like to stay over too? We’d love to have him.”

“Oh, no, that’s okay, I—” she cut herself off, turning toward the sink. Suddenly, she was interested in washing her plate and glass. I’d struck a nerve.

“I’m sorry. If you want to talk, I’m here, but I won’t press.” I made a show of pouring my granola into a bowl so she would relax. I wasn’t going to badger her.

Then she turned around with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on.” She swiped at her face with the backs of her hands. “I was convinced he was cheating because something’s been so off with him. But once I confronted him about it, he promised me he wasn’t, and since then, he’s made a concerted effort to be a good husband. He’s been so attentive…I gaslit myself into believing I was the crazy one.”

I went to her, took her hands in mine, and pulled her into the living room. We sat together on the sofa no one ever sat on. Clementine showed up to take her spot wrapped around Clara’s belly.

Clara cooed at Clem for a moment, stroking her soft fur, then she took a deep breath and spilled everything.

“Miller’s assistant came to me on Monday. She was buying a car, so they ran her credit report and there was a credit card listed on it that didn’t belong to her. Naturally, she panicked and looked into it. The card is in her name, but the address is ours. Mine and Miller’s.”

My heart lodged in my throat. I had no earthly idea where this was going, but it couldn’t be anywhere good.

“Did you confront him?” I asked.

“No. I haven’t yet. But I did some digging and found the credit card’s statement. He paid for flowers delivered to a woman named Theresa Graves in Tennessee. He sent a book to her address too. I don’t get it. I just don’t. Miller doesn’t know anyone in Tennessee. He hasn’t been on any trips. I don’t know what to think. And I’m afraid, Saoirse. I have to know, but I don’t want to ask.”

I wanted to help. The urge was so strong I could barely sit still. “Luca can talk to him.”

“No,” she snapped. “Absolutely not. Luca will kill him with his bare hands if he finds out—” She gasped, her chest rising sharply. Clementine mewed and butted her head against Clara. After a moment, Clara dug her fingers into Clem’s fur, soothing them both. “I looked at Miller’s phone a few days ago. I only had a few minutes, but I clicked on his email app, and it was logged in to an account I didn’t know he had.”

She cut herself off, her lips pressing together in a straight line.

“You can’t go on like this. I hate seeing you so upset.”

Her shining, tear-filled eyes met mine. “What if you talk to him? You could meet him for coffee, maybe tell him you want to talk to him about baby stuff and try to get the truth out of him.”

The idea was crazy. Miller and I had next to no relationship. Why would he confide in me? But Clara was so distraught. If there was even the smallest chance I could help her, I had to do it.

“Okay. I’ll try.”

She exhaled, her shoulders curving forward. “Thank you so much.”

Her relief was palpable. I wrapped my arms around her because she really looked like she could have used a hug.

“Of course, Clara. You shouldn’t be under this kind of stress.”

“I appreciate that you care.” She pulled back and took a deep breath. “Please don’t tell Luca until we have all the facts. My brother will get himself arrested if he finds out.”

“I don’t want to keep secrets from him.”

She shook her head. “No, I understand. But can you wait until afterward? And let me tell him once we know for sure.”

My stomach squirmed with discomfort, but I agreed. I’d let Clara be the one to tell Luca what was going on since this was her marriage and life. It was only fair for her to get to choose the timing.

I’d just sat down at my desk Monday morning when Luca sent me an email.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


I had a cancellation today and I want to take you to lunch. This isn’t a euphemism. I want to sit across from you and eat food together. I have enough time. I can meet you close to home if that’s easier.

Tell me you’re free.



I smiled as I read the email, even as my heart sank. I’d have to decline since I’d already made plans to meet Miller—which I was dreading like getting a filling without Novocaine. I’d already been pissed at Miller for being such a shithole husband his wife had asked me to intervene, but now I was doubly mad because I was going to miss out on spending time with Luca.

I couldn’t knock the grin off my face, though. It had become something of a constant since the week before when Luca had thrown out the rules. Clara had gone to stay with her parents on Saturday, which I thought would mean I’d be returning to my bedroom. But when I tried, Luca scooped me up and threw me on his bed.

We didn’t talk about the change. It just…was.

“Tell me the joke.”

I jerked back, surprised by Miles’s voice. I shouldn’t have been. We shared an office, and I’d let him into the condo only a half hour ago. I’d known he was in the room with me, but I’d been so busy daydreaming about Luca I'd forgotten I wasn’t alone.

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