Home > Books > Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)(191)

Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen, #4)(191)

Author:Chloe Walsh

“Old Macdonald’s farm,” Casey snorted. “Good one, Trish.”

“Wow,” I deadpanned. “I am so pleased that the impending demise of my vagina is so entertaining to you.”

“Well, that’ll teach you to let your boyfriend put his willy in there without protection.”

“Yes, Mother,” I drawled, tone laced with sarcasm. “I have indeed learned the error of my ways.”

“She’s already two centimeters dilated, Casey,” Mam said excitedly. “The doctor thinks she’ll have the baby by tomorrow.”

“Chill, Mam,” I cut in. “Nothing’s coming out of me until Joey comes home.”

“That’s not technically true,” Casey chimed in, pointing to damp circular stain on the front of my dress. “You’re leaking a little there, babe.”

“Oh, come on,” wailed, throwing my hands up in dismay. “What the hell is wrong with that boob?”

“We should buy you a bell chain and rename you Daisy.”

“Which one, love?”

“The left one,” I grumbled, reaching for a tissue to stuff into my bra. “The right one always behaves herself, but the left one is an embarrassing bitch.”

“Oh, come on,” Casey chuckled, patting my big belly. “Ignore the leaks and let’s go and get those swollen hooves a pedicure before baby daddy gets back.”

“Hm,” I grumbled, slightly mollified at the thought of seeing Joey again. “Do you think they have a hedge-trimmer at the beauticians?”

“Come on,” Casey coaxed. “Give us a smile. You’ve only been waiting for this all summer.”

She was right.

I had been waiting all summer.

Fifteen long weeks to be exact.

Joey was coming home.


By Wednesday night, we would be together again.

“I’m nervous,” I heard myself admit aloud for the first time, even though the feeling had been eating away at me for weeks now.

“What?” both Casey and Mam asked in unison. “Why?”

“Because look at me, guys.” I gestured to my stomach. “I’m not exactly the Aoife he remembers.”

“Aoife, you’re about to have the boy’s baby,” Mam offered gently. “You are beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Fuck beautiful, babe, you are breathtaking to look at,” Casey chimed in supportively. “I don’t know anyone else on this planet who could pull off a nine-month baby bump and still look completely fuckable! He’s going to lose his shit when he sees you!”

“Casey,” Mam chastised. “Please, love, can we not?”

“Sorry, Trish, but it’s true,” my best friend replied. “Our girl here is a MILF!” Grinning wickedly, she added, “And when Joey the DILF gets home, there’s going to be explosions.”

“Oh, sweet mother of mercy,” Mam muttered, sounding pained.

“You have nothing to be insecure about, Aoif,” Casey added. “But just to top up that glass of self-esteem, we’re going to go all out on the pampering today, and it’ll be Daddy T’s treat.” She looked to my mam before asking, “You swiped the credit card before we left the house this morning, didn’t ya, Trish?”

“I sure did, girls.”

“Yay.” Clapping enthusiastically, my bestie draped her arm over my shoulder. “We’re about to do some damage.”



“Thanks for doing this,” I said, several hours later, when we pulled up at Rosewood Estate. “I know the kids are waiting, but I just…”

“You have your priorities in order, love,” Edel said when I climbed out. “Here, take this,” she said, thrusting a sleek mobile phone into my hands. “It’s fully charged with my number programed in. When you’re ready to come home, just text me and I’ll come get you.”

“Will do.” I pocketed the phone. “Thanks.”

With a clear head and a heavy conscience, I pushed the rickety wooden gate inwards and made the familiar trek up the garden path, stepping over dog shit as I went.

Jesus, someone needed to start cleaning up after Spud.

When I reached the front door, I tapped lightly and then quickly lowered my hood and straightened up.

Swallowing my pride, if it even fucking existed anymore, I shoved my trembling hands deep into the pockets of my jeans and braced myself for the unknown.

When the front door swung open a few moments later, my heart sank into my ass.

“I thought you weren’t coming back for another few days.”

“I got back early,” I replied, straightening my shoulders, as my heart gunned in my chest. “Is she here?”

Tony shook his head. “She’s gone out with Trish and Casey for a girl’s day. Won’t be home until late.”

My heart sank further.

"Are you clean?"

“Yeah, Tony, I am.”

"How long?"

"One hundred and seven days," was my quiet response.

His eyes narrowed and I could see the disbelief written all over his face. "Show me."


"Show me, Joey."

“I’m clean.” Exhaling heavily, I rolled up my sleeves and held out my hands for his inspection. "I promise."

“No offense, boyo, but any promises that come from your mouth don’t inspire much confidence in me.”

I deserved that.

Absorbing my old boss’s disdain, I stood my ground, unwilling to turn around and walk away. Besides, feeling unwelcome wasn’t anything new for me.

I’d felt it my whole life.

“So, you’re clean and sober and back from the dead?” he said, eyes tracking the veins in my arms.

“I am.”

"For now.”


"And tomorrow?" His accusatory gaze was hard to bear. "What happens tomorrow?"

"No clue." I shrugged, uttering my truth. "But I'm clean today."

"Yeah," he replied with a sniff, releasing my arms. "Good for you." And then he slammed the door in my face.

Rolling my eyes, I reached up and knocked again, and then I counted down from five, knowing full well that he was still behind the door, waiting to erupt on me.

I could take it.

I sure as fuck deserved everything this man could throw at me.

I'd put his entire family through hell.

I could see that now.






"Jesus Christ, Joey!" he snarled the second the front door swung open again. “What were you thinking getting involved in that lifestyle?”

“I wasn’t thinking,” I admitted quietly. “I didn’t want to think. That was the whole point.”

"I gave you the benefit of the doubt," he strangled out. "I knew what you were about, but I saw a good lad underneath all of the trouble. I still do. But I…“ His words broke off and he shook his head.

“Just say it, Tony,” I said calmly. “Whatever you need to say. Get it off your chest. I can handle it.”

“Can’t do that,” Tony grumbled. “According to my wife, I’m to mind my Ps and Qs around you. Since you’re fragile and all that.”