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The Resurrection of Wildflowers (Wildflower #2)(35)

Author:Micalea Smeltzer

I don抰 know who moves first, but suddenly I抦 in his arms, his hand cupping the back of my head. Our tongues tangle together, and he backs me into the bedroom. He lets me go, a soft cry leaving me at the loss of his body heat. He checks that the door is locked and then he抯 back in front of me.

揋od, I fucking love you,?he growls, devouring me.

Some people wait a lifetime for a love like this.

I found it at eighteen in my grumpy, plant loving, lumberjack of a neighbor. Our paths diverged for a while there, but we were always meant to end up back here.

Thayer lays me down on the bed. Sitting up, I tear off my top. He hungrily takes in my bare breasts, leaning over me to suck first one nipple and then the other into his mouth.

I undo his towel, letting it drop and quickly grip his hard cock. His breath hisses between his teeth. Grabbing my boy short underwear I slept in, he yanks them down my ankles and drops them on the floor. His fingers find my core, rubbing my clit.

揜ight there,?I beg, rolling my hips.

He keeps rubbing just like I asked him, while I stroke his length.

揘eed to be inside you,?he begs. 揧ou抮e gonna make me come just like this.?

I guide his cock to my pussy and he doesn抰 waste any time sinking inside. His head falls back with a moan. I fucking love hearing his sounds. It抯 the biggest turn on knowing he gets so much pleasure from my body.

My nails dig into his ass cheeks, urging him on.

It抯 hard, fast, and a little bit wild. But I love seeing him let go.

揊uck, baby,?he groans, gripping my hips tighter. 揧ou抮e squeezing my cock so tight.?

He stands at the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around my legs to pull me impossibly closer. He lifts my hips higher and the change in position is all I need for my orgasm to rip through me. He pumps his hips harder, faster, until he spills inside me.

He collapses on top of me, holding his weight up by his hands positioned on either side of my head.

揑 love you,?he whispers in my ear. 揑 love you so goddamn much.?

I cup his scruffy cheeks in the palms of my hands, staring up into his eyes. 揑 love you, too.?

I cherish being able to say those three words to him.

He pulls from my body, his cock still half-hard. 揝tay here.?

I watch him unabashedly as he pads into the bathroom. The faucet runs and he returns a minute later pressing a warm, damp cloth between my legs. I move my hips, unable to help myself. I just had him, but I already want him again. Thayer has this way of turning me into a fiend.

He bites his lip, still wiping gently at my core. His eyes flick up to mine and I抦 surprised when he asks, 揇o you want more kids??

I used to wonder if I did want more, it抯 something that抯 been in the back of my mind more as of late. Especially with Seda turning six in a matter of months. When Caleb approached the topic of having a baby I didn抰 freak out because I didn抰 want more kids, but over the fact that it felt wrong to have a child with him when I felt like he deserved more than me.

揧es.?I feel sure of the answer this time.

He sets the cloth aside. 揇o you know厰

揇o I know what??I prompt when he grows quiet.

He yanks a pair of boxer-briefs out of the dresser drawer and tugs them on. 揇o you know when??

揑抦 not sure.?I look away from him nervously. 揝oon, I guess. Seda will be six and I know she抎 love to be a big sister.?

He leans over my body, cupping my face. Gently, he rubs his thumb over my bottom lip. 揧ou can say no, I won抰 be mad厰

I narrow my eyes. 揙kay??

揑抎 like for you to go off your birth control.?


揑 ?like now??

He nods. 揑 love being a dad, and I want to have more babies with you. I want to watch our kids grow up in this small town with its quirky traditions. I want to smell you baking cupcakes for school events. I want ?I already told you I want everything with you, and I want that future to start now.?I can抰 help it, I start crying. 揊uck, baby,?he wraps my naked body in his arms, 揑 didn抰 mean to make you cry.?

揟hey抮e happy tears, I promise,?I hiccup.

I didn抰 expect to have this kind of talk this morning, and I know it抯 fast, but it feels ?right. My mom would be happy, she抎 want this for me. She wanted both Georgia and me to understand that life抯 short even if you die old and in your bed. You can抰 let fear hold you back. You have to live.

He doesn抰 look convinced as he brushes the wet droplets from my cheeks. 揂re you sure? I know this is kind of out of left field, but I want everything with you, and fuck waiting. But I never want to push you if your timeline isn抰 the same as mine.?

揧-Yes. You want to have another baby with me??

揂nother and another and as many as you抣l let me.?

I laugh, my body shaking. 揕et抯 get through one more first before you start planning on kid number three and beyond.?


His smile sets my soul on fire梚t抯 cheesy, but it抯 true.

揑抣l stop taking my birth control today.?His smile grows impossibly bigger. 揇on抰 look so happy at the idea of knocking me up.?

He chuckles. 揑 already did that once with birth control, excuse me for being a little cocky.?

I poke his side. 揋et off me. I need to shower and get dressed. Seda will be up soon. Lauren will probably sleep for half the day.?

He eases up and I start to stand but he scoops me around the waist, spinning me into his body. My hands land on his hard torso.

揂re you sure you want this??

I roll my eyes. 揑f it wasn抰, I抎 tell you.?

揟his is all happening faster than I planned. I wanted to do things right, take it slow with you棓

I press my hand over his mouth. 揟his is our right. You can抰 put love on a timeline. I抳e waited what feels like a lifetime to call you mine. I don抰 want to waste a single second more.?

揊uck, I love you.?

揑 love you, too. Now, let me go. I smell like sex. and I have birth control to throw in the trash.?

He lets me go with a swat on my ass. I smile at him over my shoulder.

揥ait,?I pause in the doorway of the bathroom, 搘as that what you wanted to talk to me about? The baby thing??

He opens another drawer on the dresser and pulls out a pair of cargo shorts. 揑t wasn抰, actually.?

揙h??I wait for him to elaborate.

He shakes his head. 揇on抰 look so scared. We抣l talk about it later.?

He swipes a shirt from the closet and heads out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and leaving me no choice but to wait for that conversation, whatever it might be.



I raid my pantry for the ingredients to make homemade waffles for breakfast. I figure it抣l help soak up the last of the alcohol in the girls?systems.

I didn抰 mean to spring the baby thing on Salem, but it just kind of happened. I love her, I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and it seems like she wants the same, so what抯 the point in waiting?

But as sober as she seemed this morning, I still want to bring up the conversation again when I know for sure she has a clear head and ask her about moving in.

I抳e just finished stirring up the waffle batter when Seda pads into the room in her footy pajamas, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

揑抦 hungry.?

揑抦 making waffles梔o you want those or something else??

Her brown eyes light up. 揥affles!?

揇o you want to help spoon it onto the waffle maker??

揧es, please.?She nods eagerly.

I lift her onto the counter and pass her a spoon. She ladles the batter on, and I close the lid.

揥hen the light turns green that means it抯 done.?

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