10“red with the”: Ibid., 108.
11“so convulsed her” and following quotations: Ibid., 228.
12“their hands and feet” and following quotations: Testimony of Miss Kane, former attendant at the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane, Report of the Investigating Committee (1867), 38.
13“silly behaviour”: Quoted in Matthew Smith, “The Healing Waters: The Long History of Using Water to Cure Madness,” Psychology Today, October 9, 2015, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/short-history-mental-health/201510/the-healing-waters.
14“convenience” and following quotations: AM, “The Better Way,” 17.
15“but to confess”: AM, “Appendix,” in Special Report of the Trustees, 103.
16“The best attendants”: Dr. John E. Tyler, “On the Care of the Violent Insane,” read as part of “Proceedings of the Twelfth,” 73.
17“No humane regulations”: AM, “The Better Way,” 28.
18“never to be”: Report of the Investigating Committee (1867), quoted in MP2, 263.
19“the right of”: Ibid.
20“The remark is”: AM, in “Eighth Biennial Report,” 360.
21“in proportion as”: Testimony of Dr. Richard J. Patterson before the investigating committee, in Special Report of the Trustees, 77.
22“on the best”: Appendix, “Extracts from Rules and Regulations Referred to in this Report,” Chapter XI: Supervisors and Their Especial Duties, in ibid., 108.
23“Giving vent to”: EP, GD, 4:103.
24“where [their] word”: Lake, “Testimony of Mrs. Caroline E. Lake,” in “Mrs. Packard’s Coadjutor’s Testimony,” 140, in PHL, page 494 in PDF.
25“mere phantoms”: EP, PHL, 210–11.
26“It is of”: Lake, “Testimony of Mrs. Caroline E. Lake,” in “Mrs. Packard’s Coadjutor’s Testimony,” 141, in PHL, page 495 in PDF.
27“What is an”: EP, PHL, 122.
28“The record of”: Ibid., 175.
29“You cannot imagine”: Ibid., 201.
30“this field of”: Ibid., 136.
1“An appeal in”: “Appeal” (June 18, 1862), reproduced in Mrs. Packard’s Reproof, 22.
2“at the request”: Mrs. Packard’s Reproof, 22.
3“burden”: J. C. and Celia Coe, “Appeal,” reproduced in Mrs. Packard’s Reproof, 27.
4“large, coarse”: EP, PHL, 206.
5“an expression of”: SO, MO, 46, in PHL, page 400 in PDF.
6“I have many”: Ibid., 52, in PHL, page 406 in PDF.
7“[I] found Miss”: J. C. and Celia Coe, “Appeal,” reproduced in Mrs. Packard’s Reproof, 23–24.
8“until their faces”: Ibid., 25.
9“It is the”: Ibid.
10“May this mute”: Ibid., 27.
11“in readiness”: Ibid.
12“How would you”: EP, “My Reproof,” MP1, 133.
13“If Dr. McFarland”: Mrs. Grere, quoted by EP, PHL, 263.
1“Madness was upon”: Elizabeth Van Lew, “Occasional Journal,” Van Lew Papers, New York Public Library, quoted in Karen Abbott, Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War (New York: Harper Perennial, 2015), 41.
2“entombed alive”: EP, PHL, 222.
3“of what is”: Ibid.
4“You may join”: EP, GD, 1:335.
5“dared to espouse” and following quotation: Ibid., 4:39.
6“giant evil”: EP, GD, 2:171.
7“The North may”: Ibid., 2:121.
8“For as is”: EP, TE, 156.
9“mischievous purposes”: AM, during his cross-examination of Dr. Richard J. Patterson before the investigating committee, quoted in Special Report of the Trustees, 79.
10“evil influences”: AM, “Appendix,” in Special Report of the Trustees, 101.
11“my treasures”: EP, PHL, 330.
12“insulting and abusive”: SO, MO, 44, in PHL, page 398 in PDF.
13“lift up my”: EP, TE, 117.
14“get out of”: EP, GD, 4:77.
15“temporal destiny entirely”: EP, PHL, 270.
16“My reason and”: Ibid., 259.
17“Still, there is”: Ibid.
18“If something is”: President Abraham Lincoln, in Harry Hansen, The Civil War: A History (New York: Penguin, 1991), 174.