13“only a ‘glance’”: Ibid., 1:10.
14“an ordinary book”: EP, MPE, 111.
15“I leave the”: EP, GD, 1:10.
16“Now we are”: Ibid., 2:55.
17“I intend to”: Ibid., 2:115.
18“When I get”: Ibid., 1:296.
19“Home! Sweet home!”: Ibid., 2:308.
20“Mrs. Packard often”: Ibid., 1:360–61.
21“see my baby”: Ibid., 1:165.
22“upon keeping the”: EP, TE, 16.
23“great battery”: EP, MPE, 100.
24“My book is”: EP, GD, 2:167.
25“pet”: EP, TE, 62.
26“pride”: Ibid.
27“a transcript of”: Ibid., 7.
28“They seemed to”: EP, GD, 1:87.
29“one breath”: Ibid., 1:88.
30“I tell you”: Ibid., 2:18.
1“shall be then”: Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863, https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured-documents/emancipation-proclamation/transcript.html.
2“If you continue”: EP, GD, 2:56–57.
3“The [insane] patient”: Ibid., 2:212.
4“be allowed to”: Ibid., 2:31.
5“I intend to”: Ibid., 2:210.
6“Does our government”: Ibid., 1:269 and 1:287.
7“mean, and ungenerous”: Ibid., 2:359.
8“We don’t want”: Ibid., 2:47.
9“half affair”: Ibid., 1:269.
10“Put woman into”: Ibid., 2:359.
11“Never let a”: Ibid., 2:220–21.
12“Dare to do”: Ibid., 2:223.
13“He trusts me”: Ibid., 2:19.
14“great want”: EP, PHL, 318.
15“No man on”: Mrs. Packard’s Reproof, 3.
16“noble protector”: EP, GD, 1:224.
17“bound with joy”: EP, PHL, 316.
18“the inauguration”: Ibid.
19“such a tranquilizing”: EP, MK, 76–77.
20“This I do”: Ibid., 77.
21“magnetisms mingled”: Ibid.
22“not one word”: Ibid.
23“He is the first”: Ibid.
24“As he had”: EP, PHL, 318.
25“I don’t see”: Isaac Packard, quoted by EP, GD, 4:181–82.
26“that he feared”: TP’s letter to Toffy Packard, as quoted by Toffy, in EP, TE, 57.
1“a very common”: EP, MPE, 112–13.
2“universal sensation”: Attendant, quoted by EP, PHL, 335.
3“I will die”: EP, GD, 1:170.
4“to sit under”: EP, TE, 84–85.
5“extraordinary power”: AM, letter to TP, March 14, 1863, in “The Question of Mrs. Packard’s Sanity,” Northampton Free Press, April 13, 1866.
6“a mental level”: AM, in “Eighth Biennial Report,” 367.
7“The wonderful power”: SO, MO, 72, in PHL, page 426 in PDF.
8“read in our”: Feedback from a male reader, as quoted by EP, MPE, 115.
9“She’ll be in”: Quoted by EP, ibid., 113.
10“If this prophetess”: Ibid.
11“When she came”: SO, MO, 72, in PHL, page 426 in PDF.
12“Such an ardent”: Ibid.
13“The boldness with”: Ibid.
14“the brightest oasis”: EP, MP1, 288.
15“beautifully wrought white”: SO, MO, 53, in PHL, page 406 in PDF.
16“pledge of her”: SO, MO, 53, in PHL, page 407 in PDF.
17“This inestimable woman”: Ibid., 35, in PHL, page 389 in PDF.
18“You needn’t speak”: Mary Bailey (attendant), quoted by SO, ibid., 44, in PHL, page 398 in PDF.
19“If Mrs. Olsen”: Mrs. McFarland, ibid., 43, in PHL, page 397 in PDF.
20“unmanageable, mischief-making”: Mary Bailey’s report of SO to AM, quoted by SO, ibid., 45, in PHL, page 399 in PDF.
21“She don’t like”: EP, GD, 2:25.
22“She calls me”: Ibid.
23“I wonder”: Ibid.
24“frighten away”: EP, TE, 9.
25“weep with joy”: SO, MO, 71, in PHL, page 425 in PDF.
26“conversed in very”: Ibid., 73, in PHL, page 427 in PDF.
27“there wasn’t quite”: Testimony of Dr. H. A. Johnson before the investigating committee, in Special Report of the Trustees, 80.
28“charnel house”: SO, MO, 46, in PHL, page 400 in PDF.