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Again, Rachel(199)

Author:Marian Keyes

He was so confident, so persuasive, already certain I’d agree.

‘Quin. What about you and Golden? Was it a one-off …?’

My voice trailed away as I watched him flush. With an awkward laugh, he said, ‘We’re, ah – look, I don’t … She sometimes … Hey, you remember Prosser? How he and she …? Well, that’s still in play.’

‘And you too? You’re Golden’s sidepiece?’

‘… Ah, yeah. No.’

Fascinated, I watched his internal tussle: the consequences of a confession could be awkward, but he so badly wanted to boast.

‘It’s, as they say, complicated.’

As understanding dawned, I began to laugh. ‘Oh, Quin. Who is she? Not Shiv?’

‘Shiv?’ He rolled his eyes. ‘No. You don’t know her. Valeria is her name.’

Valeria? Where had I heard that …?

‘She works at the airport, at the private terminal.’

‘I’ve met her! One morning when I came to pick you up! She’s absolutely gorgeous. Young, though. Oh Quin, don’t treat her badly –’

‘I’m lovely to her.’ He gave me a longer look. As if to remind me of just how lovely he could be. ‘And she’s … great. Calls me Mr Quinlivan. When we’re –’ Abruptly he stopped.

Mother of God. ‘Look, it’s none of my business, but I’m not sure how “lovely” you’re actually being, if you’re still porking Golden on the sly.’

‘“Porking Golden on the sly”?’ he mused, then sighed. ‘And this is why I miss you so much.’

‘You don’t miss me. Not even a tiny amount.’ Affectionately, I added, ‘You great big eejit. Bye, Quin.’

‘You bumped into him “by accident”?’ Nola asked. ‘Girl, do you think I came down in the last shower?’

I shrugged.

‘Last night, at twenty to nine, was the first Monday you went there for your weekly shop?’

‘… No.’

‘How often? Recently?’

‘… I went last week too. But it wasn’t exactly a conscious thing.’

Nola took a sip of tea from her bone-china cup and gave a smug little smile. ‘So? Did you find out what you needed to know?’

I took a breath. ‘There’s no going back to Quin.’ A mix of sadness and relief came with the admission. ‘I feel a lot of affection for him. But as a life partner? Not any more.’

Nola took another sip of tea.

‘And he’s okay.’ That’s what I’d really needed to know. ‘He’s doing fine.’

‘I see. And how do you feel about Luke these days?’

I waited, trying to sort it all out, but ‘Besotted’ jumped from my mouth. ‘Obsessed? No, forget I said that. It’s just nostalgia. With strong physical attraction. It’s bad. But it will pass.’

‘Will it, though?’

Startled, I asked, ‘What does that mean?’

‘It’s been four months and you’ve only got more gooey-eyed about him. Maybe you and he should have a conversation? Like adults. He might feel the same way.’

‘No. The Luke I loved wouldn’t have slept with me. Not while he had a partner. He’s not that man any longer.’

‘Do you know he was still with Kallie when he slept with you? As an actual fact?’

‘Not, I guess, as an actual fact …’

‘For the love of God, would you fecking well ask him!’

That’s what Claire said, that’s what Yara said. Maybe I should.

‘Give me a day or so and I’ll have a think.’ I was exhausted from my incessant wondering and worrying about Luke. Then last night’s mini-summit with Quin had depleted me entirely.

‘Right now, I have to get some rest.’


I tumbled into bed and was deep in sleep when my phone jolted me awake – it was Claire.

‘Has someone died?’ She was the one who’d mocked Luke for making an actual phone call.

‘No. No one. Sorry for ringing, but this is big. Have you seen her stories?’

‘Who? Kallie?’ I was still trying to get my head to work. ‘No.’

‘Her thoughts and prayers stuff? She’s got her big break. Well, a break. One of her songs will be on a new TV show. Something on Hulu. From her carry-on, you’d swear she was being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.’

I was clicking on my iPad. And there was Kallie, bursting with excitement. Yes, it was real – a song she’d written and sung would be featured on Season One, Episode Four of Widow Spider, which would air in October on Hulu.